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Random Ripplings pub. Jul. 14, 2006    
Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v03n14)
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Alan's article Upcoming Festivals: Broad Ripple Street Fest and Indiana Microbrewers Festival
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

image 61_25 Broad Ripple's Own Beep Baseball - by Lauren Links
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

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image 61_25 Monon 10th Anniversary Celebration - by Bob Schmidt
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

image 1406 Random Rippling - Ayres to Macy's
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

Brought to you by: Broad Ripple collector pins

Farmers Market header Entertainers at the Broad Ripple Farmers Market
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

image 7582 Random Rippling - latte art competition
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

Alan's article BRVA June Zoning Meeting
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

image 7540 Random Rippling - art at News Cafe
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

image 7372 Random Rippling - Razings on 66th
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

image 7520 Random Rippling - 64th and Ferguson construction
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

image 7520 White City Amusement Park at Broad Ripple: part one - by David G. Vanderstel and Connie Zeigler
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

Broad Ripple Query Corner header QUERY CORNER
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

Where in the Village header Where in the Village?
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

image raub_1984 Historic Ad - Raub Radio
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

Old Town of Broad Ripple Meeting Minutes Old Town of Broad Ripple Meeting Minutes #57
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

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Broad Ripple collector pins
Columns & Articles published Jul. 14, 2006
(click item below to read)

The History of Broad Ripple header The History of Broad Ripple: Rippleites of Distinction - 1st Lt. William E. "Bill" Wendling: part one - by Paul Walker
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

Life's Ripples header Life's Ripples from Broad Ripple United Methodist Church by Rev. Timothy Rasmussen
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

CW's article Poetic Thoughts - Describing Jordan - by C.W. Pruitt II
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

Buzzing Around Town header Buzzing Around Town - by Nora Spitznogle
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

Wine Scene header The Wine Scene - by Jill A. Ditmire
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

Rick On The Records header Rick On The Records - by Rick Zeigler
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

Recipes: Then & Now  header Recipes: Then & Now - Salad Dressings - by Douglas Carpenter
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

Right in my Own Backyard header Right in my Own Backyard - Backyard Bird Facts: the Northern Cardinal - by Brandt Carter
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

Coffee Corner header Coffee Corner - Something to Write Home About - by Heidi Huff
posted: Jul. 14, 2006

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