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Random Ripplings pub. Aug. 15, 2008    
Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v05n17)
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Alan's article July BRVA Public Meeting
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

image barber2 BR Barbershop opens next to Kroger - by Larry Warner
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

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Alan's article Feedback on last issue's Old Town Minutes querie (and also some info on a crossword clue)
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

image 4706 Random Rippling - House razed
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

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image 4588 Random Rippling - Broad Ripple Hamfest
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

Mario header Joy's House Expansion - By Mario Morone
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

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Broad Ripple collector pins

Alan's article Montage artist creates Broad Ripple piece
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

Farmers Market header The Farmers Market - August 2, 2008
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

image 4460 Random Rippling - The Peggy Sues
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

image 4637 Random Rippling - Rev. Peyton's Big Damn Band
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

image 4609 Random Rippling - Sidewalk Sale
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

image 1175 Random Rippling - Poston Legacy Foundation presents money to BRHS
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

image 4682 Random Rippling - Ugly Lamp Contest
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

image 4682 Cultural Greenways! A Fabulous City Tour and a Great Workout - by Laura Minor
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

BRVA News & Views BRVA News & Views #38
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

Where in the Village header Where in the Village?
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

image rods_67 Historic Ad - Roderick St. John's
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

What's In Heidi's Purse? What's in Heidi's Purse? - by Heidi Huff
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

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Columns & Articles published Aug. 15, 2008
(click item below to read)

Howling at the Moon header Howling at the Moon by Susan Smith
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

Buzzing Around Town header Buzzing Around Town - by Nora Spitznogle
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

Recipes: Then & Now  header Recipes: Then & Now - Marinated Vegetable Salad - by Douglas Carpenter
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

Green Broad Ripple header Green Broad Ripple - Going Local - Economic Inequality - by Cortellini
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

Rick On The Records header Rick On The Records - by Rick Zeigler
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

Beats from a Broad Ripple Rat header Beats from a Broad Ripple Rat - by Lisa Battiston
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

Life's Ripples header Life's Ripples from Broad Ripple United Methodist Church by Rev. Timothy Rasmussen
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

CW's article Poetic Thoughts - The Silvertip of Girdwood, Alaska - by C.W. Pruitt II
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

Wine Scene header The Wine Scene - by Jill A. Ditmire
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

Ripple Restaurant SBS* Review header Ripple Restaurant SBS* Review - Indiana State Fair
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

Right in my Own Backyard header Right in my Own Backyard - Moon - by Brandt Carter
posted: Aug. 15, 2008

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