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Random Ripplings pub. Jan. 25, 2024    
(next pub. date: Feb. 08, 2024)
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image 20170615_6d_2545 Random Rippling - Breaking News - HopCat to Close
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Alan's article New Column This Issue
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Brought to you by:
Angie Mercer Insurance Broad Ripple State Farm

image 20231220_173221 Random Rippling - Persimmon Bread Recipe
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Alan's article Random Rippling - Broad Ripple Podcast helps solve crime
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Brought to you by:
Broad Ripple Brewpub

image 6510 Random Rippling - Gallery 6202 Reception
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

image 2024_01_09_18_13_21 Random Rippling - Kiwanis Think With a Drink at Brewpub
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Brought to you by: BR Collector Pins

image 2023_12_14_18_18_52 Random Rippling - Alley Cat held a Stella Etching
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

image 2023_11_25_10_31_17 Random Rippling - Crunch opens
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

image 6527 Random Rippling - Lit Sign Up
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

image 2023_06_10_11_56_46 Random Rippling - Huston Solar added to VBR
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

image 2023_10_08_15_46_35 Random Rippling - Black Orchid Barbers added to VBR
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Where in the Village header Where in the Village?
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Random Historic Photo header Random Historic Photo - Vogue mid 40s
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

image nora_1971 Historic Ad - Flaming Hearth
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Mistakes Can Be Sweet header Mistakes Can Be Sweet contest
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Old Town of Broad Ripple Meeting Minutes Old Town of Broad Ripple Meeting Minutes #200
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Brewpub Quiz header Broad Ripple Brewpub Quiz
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Broad Ripple Puzzle Pages BR Puzzles Pages
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Brought to you by:
Columns & Articles published Jan. 25, 2024
(click item below to read)

Things I Remember header Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #37
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

Birds Of Broad Ripple header Birds Of Broad Ripple - by Brandt Carter and Jeffrey L. Stone
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

CW's article Poetic Thoughts - silence emerges - by C.W. Pruitt II
posted: Jan. 25, 2024

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current calendar

Public Notices published Jan. 25, 2024
(click item below to read)

CLICK for Past Random Ripplings index
(next pub. date: Feb. 08, 2024)