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BRVA Zoning Issues at January Meeting
by Alan Hague
posted: Feb. 08, 2024

There were three items on the agenda (in bold below) for the January 23, 2024, public meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association (BRVA) Land Use and Development committee that was held in the basement of Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1660 Kessler Boulevard. There were about 20 in attendance.

BRVA Zoning Issues at January Meeting

6519 Carrollton Avenue - Misha Rabinowitch, representing Gershman Partners, will be appearing with a presentation on the petition filed for a variance of use of the Consolidated Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance to provide for an office use, per the filed site plan and plan of operations (not permitted); and variance of development standards to provide for placement of a primary freestanding sign (two signs permitted for residential communities). Case #: 2024-UV2-001; Hearing Date: February 13, 2024
This proposal is to properly zone a property that has been used as an office for many years. The new tenant would be Small Box. The committee voted to support this petition.

Misha Rabinowitch
Misha Rabinowitch

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927 E Westfield Blvd (Monon Yard) - John Pantzer will be presenting an update on the Monon Yard development, to be located at 927 E. Westfield Blvd.
This was an update that was requested by the committee, no vote required. The project is to build a shipping container-based flexible restaurant facility with areas for additional food trucks and outdoor activities. The project, which has been before the committee in the past, is on hold until it is economically attractive to build it. There was a long, rather pointed line of questioning from the committee. The committee seemed to approve of the concept, but wanted progress on the development to start. There was no resolution to any of the argumentative questioning. The petitioner stated that it is not expected that economic conditions would improve until at least 2025. Our past coverage of 927 Westfield.

6548, 6552, 6556 Cornell Ave and 6535 Ferguson St (Avenue Development) - Bob Akin, with Avenue Development, will be presenting an update on the Avenue Development project.
This item was also an update, no vote required. This project is to build a four-story office building with a restaurant on part of the ground floor. This project is also on hold awaiting a certain percentage of tenants signed up. There is hope that construction could begin later this year. Our past coverage of the Avenue project.

The latest plan for the Avenue Development building
The latest plan for the Avenue Development building

The next public meeting of the committee is scheduled for Tuesday, February 27, 2023, at 6pm, at Northminster Presbyterian Church.
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