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Zoning issues at BRVA May meeting
by Alan Hague
posted: May 26, 2022

There were around 50 in attendance at the May 24, 2022, public meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association [BRVA] Land Use and Development committee that was held in the basement of Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1660 Kessler Boulevard.

Zoning issues at BRVA May meeting

There were three items on the agenda, in bold below.
A new rule was explained. There is now a two minute limit for each audience member to speak.

927 Broad Ripple Ave. - Representative (tbd) from Dave's Hot Chicken will be appearing to introduce themselves to the committee and the Broad Ripple Village Association.
This was only an introduction, nothing needed a vote from the committee. The committee welcomed Dave's Hot Chicken to the Village and had several suggestions for business operations and trash clean up. The restaurant will have an order pick-up window that will remain open for an hour or so after the interior closes each night. Orders are placed online for pick-up. The only alcohol served will be beer when the interior in open. Dave's is expected to open around the end of July.

6379 North College Ave (Broad Ripple Fire Station) - David Kingen representing NDZA will be returning for follow up presentation on the petition filed for plat approval on the property from MU-1 to SU-9. Hearing Date: May 26, 2022
This was the second appearance before the committee for this project to build a new fire station on the site of Johnny's Market at 6379 N. College Avenue [E3 on map].
Several changes were made to the layout of the design, per suggestions from the committee last month. This included removing the parking lot entrance on College, leaving only the alley for access, to allow for a continuous pedestrian sidewalk in the area. More green space was added and the generator was moved. The committee vote unanimously to support this petition.

6548, 6552, 6556 Cornell Ave. And 6535 Ferguson St. (Avenue Development) - Misha Rabinowitch representing BR HQ Real Estate, will be returning for a follow up presentation for rezoning 0.80 acre of the property from the MU-2 (TOD) and D-4 (TOD) districts to the MU-2 (TOD) district. Variance of Use and Development Standards of the Consolidated Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance to provide for a Medium Mixed-use building type (not permitted on pedestrian frontage type), a surface parking lot along Ferguson Street with a two-foot setback (not permitted, minimum 50-foot setback required), with 49 parking spaces (75 parking spaces required). Case #2022-CZN-821 / 2022-CVR-821 / 2022-CVC-821, Hearing Date: May 26, 2022
This was the second appearance before the committee for this project to raze four houses, three on Cornell and one on Ferguson, to build an office building and a parking lot. There were some changes made to the plan from the suggestions by the committee last month. The committee was still opposed to some items, such as, building size and appearance. Several audience members voiced concerns about the project. The extra load on neighborhood parking was the most often stated issue. The committee voted to request a 30-day continuance and re-hear the petition at the June 28th meeting.

Zoning issues at BRVA May meeting

Zoning issues at BRVA May meeting

The next public meeting of the committee is scheduled for Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 6pm, at Northminster Presbyterian Church.
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