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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v10n08)
Random Rippling - Broad Ripple Farmers Market history
posted: Apr. 26, 2013

John Hill, owner of Broad Ripple Brewpub at 65th and Cornell Avenue, called the Gazette recently to say that he found an original Broad Ripple Farmers Market poster from 1996.
Broad Ripple Brewpub and Marigold got together to start the market. It may have been the first neighborhood farmers market in the city. It was held in the parking lot of the brewpub and there were about seven vendors, including Ross Farris, fondly remembered by many present-day market attendees. John joked that while the fee back then to be a vendor was about $5, there was one guy that wouldn't pay, he would simply park his truck on the street in front of the market and sell from there!
The artwork for the poster, designed by Scott Johnson now of Axiomport, won a national art design award in 1997.
The 2013 opening day will be Saturday, May 4. The market is open from 8am to noon each Saturday at Broad Ripple High School in the rear parking lot.

Random Rippling - Broad Ripple Farmers Market history

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