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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v10n08)
Monon Trail Resurfacing Update
by Alan Hague
posted: Apr. 26, 2013

The Department of Public Works (DPW) will close a section of the Monon Trail near 75th Street for approximately two weeks beginning Monday, April 22, 2013 to resurface the trail, install new guardrails and fix a drainage problem that has been eroding the trail and making it less safe and enjoyable for users.
During the project, bike traffic will be prohibited on the Monon Trail between 86th Street and 75th Street. Pedestrians will be permitted use of the trail between 86th Street and the construction zone. Bike and pedestrian detour signage will be in place along the detour route. The detour route will utilize Washington Boulevard to 84th Street and continue on Pennsylvania Street until 75th Street where bikers can intersect the Monon.
To learn more about the Monon Trail improvements and to view construction updates, please visit
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