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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v10n08)
Howling at the Moon by Susan Smith
posted: Apr. 26, 2013

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We seem to have three great interests that please us. . . ..sports, restaurants and pets. Let me touch on all three.
First, I'd like to say how very glad I am that Laura Minor and her sister, Jenny Willis, are back safe and sound from the Boston Marathon. Laura is my fellow columnist here at the Gazette and owner of So.Be. Fit. Fitness Center. Jenny is a trainer there whom I have had the pleasure of working with. Like all of us, I am saddened that the sport that they work hard at and the goal that they had attained was marred by such terror to Boston and our country. Congratulations to you both for your achievement!
On another note, I spent Spring Break at Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. One of the iconic businesses there is the Salty Dog Café. If you haven't been there you have probably seen someone here sporting one of their tee shirts. They have done a phenomenal job of branding themselves with three restaurants and four retail stores. It is THE place to go. While shopping there for my annual tee shirt I picked up their publication of things to do on the island listing all of their summer events. It is a slick booklet that also features many of their licensed logo products and menus for their restaurants. In the back was an article entitled "NO DOGS? Why dogs are not allowed at the Salty Dog Café". Whoa. This is a super dog friendly world and everyone wants to know what restaurants they can take their dog to. I'm in the pet business and I love dogs but after reading this let me play the devil's advocate. It starts out saying that when they opened in 1987 lots of people came with their dogs and life was good but allowing dogs of all varieties in close proximity, kids with food and dog owners with drinks-it got messy. Dogs were urinating on tables and chairs and occasionally pooping on the deck. Owners were allowing them to lie in walkways and to eat off their forks and plates. Some dogs barked almost continually while others begged for food and stole hot dogs from little kids. The article continued and I quote "It would be no exaggeration to say that many of the dog owners failed to control their pets. So, ultimately the good dog owners suffered from the actions of the bad dog owners and we posted the No Dogs Allowed signs. Why? Because we feel that we have a responsibility to provide our customers with a clean, peaceful and safe place to dine. We do not feel that it is our responsibility to police the dog situation - or to clean up after dogs or to referee dog fights. I'm uncertain if you have ever witnessed the utter chaos that occurs when two dogs suddenly decide to kill each other in a crowded environment such as the Salty Dog Café, but it can get really ugly. So being fully aware of the consequences, we no longer wish to subject ourselves to the disruption to the business or the presumed liability. Many State Health Departments prohibit dogs, but others, such as South Carolina, allow the restaurant owner to decide. So, why are dogs not allowed in the overwhelming majority of restaurants? Presumably for the same reasons that we do not allow dogs at The Salty Dog Café. Our policy also extends to our outside tables because, in essence, our outside seating is part of our dining room. Our reasoning comes in part from the old adage there are no bad dogs just bad dog owners. And generically speaking everyone loves dogs but not everyone loves your dog. And while we sincerely apologize to the good dog owners, it's the bad dog owners who have backed us into this corner. We do allow leashed dogs to visit and walk across our property, however some dog owners still neglect to use a leash. If we ask these owners to please leash their dogs then we are the bad guys. An employee was nipped by an unruly dog last year."
The last lines hit home with me. At City Dogs Grocery we have a steady flow of visiting dogs. They make our day and we welcome them. But, we have at the ready, a leash to use. We require it. Your dog may be a jewel but the other guy's might not and it is so true about the risk of the presumed liability. All dogs should be leashed in public places. It's the law. I do not understand why dog owners disobey. It's for their safety.
The Salty Dog has done extensive research in creating its pet policy. For more information:
The results of this debate so far show 65% no and 35% yes. Another poll shows 68% no, 29% yes and 2% undecided. That can be found at:
It appears just as a majority of diners do not wish to dine near someone who is smoking they do not wish to dine with dogs sitting beside them. Who knew? What are your thoughts?
I always say "pets make you smile". April needed a smile. Welcome May!

Susan Smith is a life-long area resident and is the owner of City Dogs Grocery located at 52nd and College. Send your pet related questions/comments to
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