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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v01n03)
Broad Ripple High School Renovation On Schedule
posted: Jun. 10, 2004

Although most of IPS' $15 million renovation is happening inside the BRHS building at 1115 Broad Ripple Avenue, there is often evidence of the work on its lawn. The three-year project will completely upgrade the heating and cooling systems at BRHS and will also build new science labs, add accessibility to the upper floors and rebuild the restrooms. Groundbreaking for the project was in September 2003.

Groundbreaking ceremony in September 2003
Groundbreaking ceremony in September 2003
image courtesy of John and Rosemary Hague collection

"Everything is going well" says principal Steve Papesh "We are still on schedule." One portion of the project is nearly complete. The oldest section of the school is the three story addition on the south, which is near the back entrance. It originally housed the girls' gymnasium; more recently, it housed the R.O.T.C. rooms and Theatre Magnet offices. Most of the interior of this addition was removed and new classrooms were built.
Sarah Bogard, vice principal of buildings and grounds, oversees the construction. She took the Gazette on a tour of the extensive project.
One exterior portion of the renovation is a new elevator located on the south side of the school. It is part of the project's accessibility plan. The numerous additions in the last 70 years have created a myriad of floor elevations and half-flight connecting stairs. When the renovation is complete, the entire school should be wheelchair accessible.
Inside, the curved ceiling of the old boys' gymnasium is once again visible now that the interior is being stripped. The gym had been converted into two floors. The Media Center (library) was on the first floor, and classrooms with a hallway occupied the second. The second floor walls and ceiling have now been removed, and it is being reconfigured into science classrooms. The Media Center will be repainted and recarpeted. It is possible that the floor of the old basketball court is still under the existing carpet. If the old jump circle is found, an attempt will be made to keep that piece of BRHS history visible.
The Gazette will continue to follow this project and report on its progress.

ceiling down
ceiling down

gutted classroom
gutted classroom

new cabinets
new cabinets

new classroom
new classroom

Sarah Bogard, vice principal of buildings and grounds, wears a hard hat in order to tour the construction areas.
Sarah Bogard, vice principal of buildings and grounds, wears a hard hat in order to tour the construction areas.

new restrooms
new restrooms

The curved roof of the old boy's gymnasium can be seen as the walls and ceiling are removed.
The curved roof of the old boy's gymnasium can be seen as the walls and ceiling are removed.

Broad Ripple High School Renovation On Schedule

Broad Ripple High School Renovation On Schedule

Broad Ripple High School Renovation On Schedule

Broad Ripple High School Renovation On Schedule

Broad Ripple High School Renovation On Schedule

Broad Ripple High School Renovation On Schedule

Broad Ripple High School Renovation On Schedule

Broad Ripple High School Renovation On Schedule

new classroom in old Theatre Magnet space
new classroom in old Theatre Magnet space

new terrazo
new terrazo

updated girls' gym
updated girls' gym

Media center emptied
Media center emptied

The elevator being constructed on the south side of the school is part of the new accessibility plan.
The elevator being constructed on the south side of the school is part of the new accessibility plan.

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Brought to you by: Broad Ripple collector pins
Brought to you by: Broad Ripple collector pins