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Random Rippling - Map from Town Minutes last issue
posted: Sept. 19, 2024

A reader wrote in asking where Lot 25 might have been located, that was referred to in the September 5, 2024, Broad Ripple Town Minutes.
That prompted me to search my maps from the early 1900s and BINGO I found it!
The description was "certain piece of ground on Morgan St adjacent to lot #25 + also on south side of Lot #25 + north of alley running from Hamilton St to Morgan Sts."
Hamilton Street is now Winthrop and Morgan Street is now Guilford. (Link to our listing of historic street names)
Here is a map showing lot 25. Today this would be the southeast corner of Broad Ripple Avenue and Guilford Avenue. Where Mustard Hall and Indy E Cigs (Formerly the Subway location) [H5 on map]

Random Rippling - Map from Town Minutes last issue

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