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Old Town of Broad Ripple Meeting Minutes #215
posted: Sept. 05, 2024

This historic serial has run on and off in the last 19 years of the Broad Ripple Gazette. The intention is to share the history of Broad Ripple, help people find their ancestors in the text, and to complete the transcriptions of these important early documents.
The Town of Broad Ripple was incorporated in 1894, and started holding regular meetings at that time. In each issue, I will print my transcription of the old Town of Broad Ripple meeting minutes. These are taken from the original, hand-written minutes that contain many spelling errors. I have transcribed all the records as they were entered, including errors. I will make some corrections to the text in brackets [ ]. I will try to include street name changes, such as: Shelby Street became 63rd, then Broad Ripple Avenue, Morgan Street is now Guilford, North is now 64th, Hancock is now Westfield. See more of our street name research at - Alan
The original minutes books are at the Indiana State Archives at 6440 E. 30th St.

Here is the two-hundred-fifteenth installment
Town Clerk resigns

Feb. 5th, 1907

Board met in regular session all members being present. Bills were allowed as follows:
To Standard Oil Co $1.80 for 20 gal oil furnished as per bill rendered.
To T.F. Metsker $30 dollars for services as Marshall for the month of January and $1.00 for help in attending to fire apparatus. Total $31.00/100
Report of Frank E/ Watts Town Treasurer was read and approved. Showing a balance of $151.41 in treasury on Jan 1st 1907
The resignation of Don A. Day as Town Clerk was filed and accepted and on motion J.O. Brenneman was appointed and sworn in to serve out the unexpired term of Don A. Day.
[margin] William Bosson appointed atty for town for ensuing year. D. A. Day resigned as clerk. Treasurers report was filed and excepted showing an report $151.41
The clerk was instructed to write to W.W. Spencer for an itemized bill of services rendered and also to withdraw as atty in suit of annexation proceedings and insert the name of Wm Bosson as town atty for the ensuing year which was passed.
A motion was made ordering the fire chief to appoint 25 men of his own selection to help in case of fire and for which the men are to receive pay for the actual time employed. Passed
[margin] ordering fire marshall to appt 25 men to half of fire + qt pay
A motion was made to pass an ordinance empowering the board of trustees to execute a quit claim deed to a certain piece of ground on Morgan St adjacent to lot #25 + also on south side of Lot #25 + north of alley running from Hamilton St to Morgan Sts. Passed.
[margin] empower trustees to ____ quit claim deed to certain pc of land adjacent to lot #25 Wellington
The committee appointed to report in certain vacation petitions were reported + the vacation was denied.
[margin] to vacate sts and alleys was denied
A copy of rules and regulations governing the board of trustees + other officers of the town of B Ripple was read + laid over till next regular meeting.
On instruction of the town board the clerk was instructed to buy an ordinance book and to copy all ordinances of the town in alphabetical order and to present bill for same.
[margin] town clerk instructed to buy ordinance book
A motion was made passed(?) instructing the fire marshall + the committe to be approved [?] to buy 500 feet of fire hose.
[margin] fire chief ordered to buy 500 ft hose
A special meeting of the Board was called to consider a proposition from the Union Traction Co in regard to fare and
And other matters that may come up. The special meeting was called for Feb. 7th 1907 at 7'O clock.
No further business before the board it adjourned
Benj F. Osborne President of Board
J.O. Brenneman "Clerk"

{next issue: A very confusing series of objections and votes on Traction Co ordinance}
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