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Birds Of Broad Ripple - by Brandt Carter and Jeffrey L. Stone
posted: Aug. 22, 2024

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His Eye is on the Sparrow
The common sparrow is often the first birds you will notice because they are plentiful, enjoy living near feeders, and take advantage of most bird houses you put out. They are usually identified as little brown birds; but alas, there are so many variety that it often takes seasoned birders to determine the specific sparrow you are seeing. All sparrows are song birds and can have melodic songs or even chipping sounds.

Birds Of Broad Ripple - by Brandt Carter and Jeffrey L. Stone
image courtesy of Jeffrey L. Stone

You will notice that sparrows are foragers; they will feed not only at feeders but on the ground, parking lots, and restaurant patios. Sparrows are split into two principal families: old world sparrows (Europe, Asia, and Africa), and new world sparrows (North and South America).
In our area see if you can spot the song sparrow, chipping sparrow, white-crowned sparrow, or white-throated sparrow. Finally a quick fact about sparrows: they can fly up to about 24 miles per hour. When under pressure or escaping from a predator, they can reach 31 mph.

Birds Of Broad Ripple - by Brandt Carter and Jeffrey L. Stone
image courtesy of Jeffrey L. Stone

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Brandt Carter, artist, herbalist, and naturalist, owns Backyard Birds at 2374 E. 54th Street. Visit her web site Email your bird questions to
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