Zoning issues at BRVA March meeting
by Alan Hague
posted: Apr. 11, 2024
There were around 25 in attendance at the March 26, 2022, public meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association [BRVA] Land Use and Development committee that was held in the basement of Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1660 Kessler Boulevard.
There were three items on the published agenda, and a 4th was added before the meeting, in bold below.
Haveli Indian Restaurant (6334 Guilford Avenue) - A representative from Haveli Indian Restaurant will be attending to elaborate on the recently filed beer and wine permit. Hearing Date: April 1, 2024
This was a notification of a new 2-way liquor license (2-way) for the recently opened Haveli Indian Restaurant at 6334 Guilford Avenue. The petitioner agreed to sign a BRVA Good Neighbor liquor agreement. The Committee voted to support the new license.
6013 N College Avenue - Tuan Nguyen will be presenting regarding their property at 6013 N. College Avenue. The presentation will focus on a proposed rezone from D-5 to MU-2, aiming to incorporate a commercial element into the property. Their objective is to seek an initial review of the plan.
This was a presentation only, no vote requested.
The petitioner is currently living in the house at 6013 N. College Avenue, just to the north of the Claridge Apts [JJ23 on
map]. He runs a nearby nail salon and is planning to add a 2 1/2 story addition to the College side of the house. The ground floor, which would be mostly glass windows, would house the salon and the upper floors would be residential. The addition is planned to look similar to the First Merchants Bank about a block south.
The committee expressed many concerns about rezoning this property to MU-2 (mixed use), and converting a home into a business on this portion of College Avenue.
The petitioner still has to file with the city and reach out to the neighbors, then come back to the Land Use and Development committee for a vote.
Kilroy's Update (831 Broad Ripple Avenue) - Jade Sharpe from Kilroy's and David Gorden, a Landscape Architect at Mark M. Holeman, Inc., will present an updated overview of the planned enhancements to the fencing, outdoor space, and streetscape surrounding Kilroy's.
This was a presentation only, no vote needed.
Kilroy's presented updated plans for the 831 Broad Ripple Avenue location. They include removing the asphalt from the outdoor patio on the east side and replacing that with pavers. Also removing the current fencing and replacing with a lower solid fence with a decorative metal fence atop that base.
That work could start in about four to six weeks and would take four weeks to finish.
6575 N. College Ave - Mark Demerly, with PAD Architecture, will be presenting on behalf of his client who owns the property at 6575 N College Avenue. Their objective is to seek feedback regarding upcoming plans to file with the city.
This was a presentation only, no vote requested.
This proposal is to convert the P.S. Jewelers shop on the southeast corner of 66th and College Avenue, near Opti Park, into a French pastry bakery. Currently the management office for the Jade North Apartments is also there and will remain. A deck would be constructed on the west side of the building for customers. The entrance would remain on the east, parking lot, side.
The next public meeting of the committee is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23, 2022, at 6pm, at Northminster Presbyterian Church.