Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #39
posted: Feb. 22, 2024

Part Thirty-nine
Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959
The children had a play house in the old wood shed that at one time had been the garage. It was a nice place to play and they spent lots of time there cleaning and keeping house. Cora [?] Rice lived where Hadleys do and Anna Maude and Oren Landison on the Kincaid Place. They all played together with little fussing or disagreement.
The children always had someone home with them for birthdays. I remember one that Russie had. Since his birthday was in Oct. and at a time when eggs were scarce I was wishing I had some for an angel food cake. I heard an old hen cackling and saw her come out from under the porch on the west side of the house. When I investigated I found a nest with 12 eggs in it - so we had angel food cake. Billy and Eloise Whitesell were our guests that night.
When Cac was ten she went into 4-H. the first year she made a dress. When she came home from a meeting and said her leader Edna Russell wanted her to model her dress in the country dress revue we decided she could do better that she had done on the first one. We went to Noblesville. Picked some plaid material and a pattern which was sleeveless with a big round bertha collar and gathered skirt. I sat by her and when a seam was crooked she corrected it right then. She did a real nice job on that and were we surprised and proud when she was finally selected as champion in her class. Several nice suits and dresses followed in other years with blue ribbons from both township and county in that and other projects. She was runner up one year as the healthiest girl in the county and was one of the attendants in a big dairy festival downtown.
When Russie was ten he and his dad picked a Jersey calf and he did as well as his sister. We were made proud again when he took championship in his class and grand-championship with "Peggy". She was a blue ribbon winner as long as he showed her and became quite a pet. She always knew Russie when he came home on visits while in service or school and nuzzled him and showed she was happy to see him. She died while Russie lived on 86th Street and he buried her in the lot across the drive from the garden.
from Indianapolis Star August 16, 1936
Clarellen (Russ and Cac's cousin), Russ and Cac standing in front of their grandfather's (your editor's great-grandfather's) house at 6170 Bellefontaine (Guilford) (pronounced bell-fountain). Across the street is 6165 Guilford which is still there. (Maybe a reader knows who lives there and can show this to them?)
image courtesy of Helen Hague collection
end of part thirty-nine