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Random Rippling - Citizens Dredges Canal
posted: Feb. 08, 2024

Citizens Energy, the canal property owner, has added a cofferdam to the canal around Broadway Street to allow the water from there to the headgates at Westfield Boulevard to be pumped out to the rest of the canal. This allows for quick dredging of the canal with heavy equipment. Readers may remember that 60% of the city's water flows down the canal. During this cleaning, water from the White River is being diverted into the canal at a location farther south.

Random Rippling - Citizens Dredges Canal

From Benjamin Easley, Coordinator - Corporate & Public Affairs, Citizens Energy Group, "Citizens established an AquaDam near Broadway Street as an appropriate bookend to the dredging zone we hope to address; it also provides a possible secondary access point to the Canal for our crews. Citizens is dewatering the identified portion of the Canal to remove naturally deposited material from White River that has settled within the Canal. The dewatering activities will allow Citizens to also assess the liner to ensure the Canal continues to serve Central Indiana residence for decades to come. There is a currently operational system in place to continue water intake further downstream of the headgates in Broad Ripple, from both the White River and Fall Creek to Citizens treatment facilities."

Random Rippling - Citizens Dredges Canal

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The canal ducks don't seem to mind
The canal ducks don't seem to mind

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Random Rippling - Citizens Dredges Canal

Random Rippling - Citizens Dredges Canal

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