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Old Town of Broad Ripple Meeting Minutes #191
posted: Sept. 07, 2023

This historic serial has run on and off in the last 18 years of the Broad Ripple Gazette. The intention is to share the history of Broad Ripple, help people find their ancestors in the text, and to complete the transcriptions of these important early documents.
The Town of Broad Ripple was incorporated in 1894, and started holding regular meetings at that time. In each issue, I will print my transcription of the old Town of Broad Ripple meeting minutes. These are taken from the original, hand-written minutes that contain many spelling errors. I have transcribed all the records as they were entered, including errors. I will make some corrections to the text in brackets [ ]. I will try to include street name changes, such as: Morgan Street is now Guilford, North is now 64th, Hancock is now Westfield. See more of our street name research at - Alan
The original minutes books are at the Indiana State Archives at 6440 E. 30th St.

Here is the one-hundred ninety-first installment
BR Annexes more land

Resolution providing for the annexation of certain unplatted territory to the Town of Broad Ripple, Marion County, State of Indiana and declaring an emergency.
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Broad Ripple, Marion County, State of Indiana that the petition of which the following is a copy be and is hereby adopted and that the petition be presented by the Board of Trustees to the Board of Commissioners of the County of Marion and the State of Indiana and which petition is as follows

State of Indiana
County of Marion SS

Before the board of Commissioners
March Term 1905

In the matter of the annexation
Of contiguous territory to the
Town of Broad Ripple, Indiana

To the Broad of Commissioners of the County of Marion:
The undersigned members of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Broad Ripple, in the county of Marion, in the State of Indiana would respectfully present to the Board that the said Town of Broad Ripple in an incorporated town, duly incorporated under and pursuant to the general laws of the State of Indiana for the incorporation of Towns; that your petitioners desire to annex to the said town certain territory lying and being contiguous thereto; that said contiguous territory has never been platted or recorded except as the same has been platted for the purposes of this petition that said contiguous territory is situated in the County of Marion in the state of Indiana and is accurately described by metes and bounds as follows, to wit:
Part of the southwest corner of section thirty-six (36) Township seventeen (17) north range three (3) east in Marion County and the State of Indiana, described a follows:
Beginning on the north line of Coil Street on the north line of Lights Broad Ripple addition at a point seven hundred and sixty one (761) feet east of the west line of said Section and running northwardly parallel to the Monon R.R. three hundred and twenty feet (320) feet thence east one hundred and seventy nine (179) feet to the east line of right of way of the Chicago Indpls and Louisville Railroad or Monon Route: thence northwardly with the west line of the right of way of said railroad; thirteen hundred (1300) feet to White River thence eastwardly with White River sixty six (66) feet to the east line of right of way of said railroad thence southwardly with east line of said right of way thirteen hundred and twenty one (1321) feet to the north corporation line of Broad Ripple. Thence west thirty three (33) feet to center line of said railroad thence south with the center line of said railroad two hundred and ninety nine (299) feet thence west two hundred and twelve (212) feet to the beginning containing three and fifty one hundredths 3.51 acres of which are in the right of way of said railroad. One (1) acre is owned by Samuel I. + Alfredola Morris and thirty two hundreds (.32) on an acre is in Air Line Street

State of Indiana
County of Marion SS

Harvey B Fatout of lawful age being first duly sworn upon his oath says that he is the Civil Engineer of the Town of Broad Ripple, Marion County State of Indiana, and that he prepared the annexed plat and the description of the real estate set forth in said plat, and that said plat and description are correct and accurate and further afficient saith not.

Signed Henry B Fatout

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of February [scratched out unreadable, could be January] 1905.
W. W. Spencer
Notary public
My commission expires January 2nd 1907

That a map of said territory proposed to be annexed duly certified by the affidavit of Henry B. Fatout civil engineer for said town is filed with and accompanies this petition that your petitioners desire the annexation of said territory to said town for the following reasons. To wit:
1st - The limits of the town as they now exist are such as to give great inconvenience to the citizens and officers of the town and also make the burden of taxation very unequal.
2nd - The corporation is in need of increased revenue which would result from the taxes levied upon the property sought to the annexed for the following purposes. Viz 1st - to provide more suitable and adequate means for the prevention of fire. 2nd - for keeping in repair public improvements in said town.
3rd - that the inhabitants of said territory enjoy many or all the privileges of living within said town without paying any taxes therefor although their lands are greatly increased in value by their proximity to the said town.
4th - that the said territory sought to be annexed requires police or marshall surveillance that cannot be secured or given without municipal control.
That said contiguous territory is owned by Samuel I. and Alfredda Morris and the Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville Railway Company. "Monon RR".

Wherefor your petitioners ask that said territory as herein above described be annexed to the town of Broad Ripple, Indiana in said county and that the same be made subject to the same corporate control of the Board of Directors of said town as the territory now within corporate limits thereof and for all other and proper relief in the premises
Daniel W. Harcourt
Joseph W. Bates
Signed Henry C Gresh

Board of Trustees of Town of Broad Ripple
Marion County State of Indiana

State of Indiana
County of Marion SS

Daniel W. Harcourt being duly sworn upon oath says that the facts set forth in the above and forgoing petition are true in substance and fact
Signed Daniel W. Harcourt

Subscribed and sworn to before me this (5th) day of January (1905).
My commission expires January 2nd 1907
W. W. Spencer
Notary public

Be it further resolved by the Board of Trustees of said Town that the Town Clerk of said Town be and is hereby ordered and directed to give notice of the intention of this Board of Trustees to present said petition to said County Board by publication in the Indpls Sentinal thirty days prior to the first day of the March term of said County Board and to file a copy of said notice and proof of publication of the same and that Spencer and Spencer attorneys for said Town of Broad Ripple, Indiana, are hereby directed to present said petition with copy of said notice and proof of publication to said Board of Commissioners at their regular meeting in the month of March 1905 and to produce such proofs before such board as may be necessary to secure the annexation to said Town of the Territory described in said petition and the Town Engineer is hereby directed to prepare an accurate plat of the lands and territories desired to be annexed to the Town to accompany said petition.
Be it further resolved that an emergency exists for the immediate taking effect of these resolutions therefore the same shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.

Your editor's map of the annexation area
Your editor's map of the annexation area
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