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4th Wall Players Performing "The Importance Of Being Earnest"
posted: Jul. 13, 2023

The 4th Wall Players will be performing Oscar Wilde's classic play "The Importance of Being Earnest." Performances will be at Stage Door Theatre on July 21-23 and 28-30. Tickets will be available through Eventbrite and on 4th Wall's Facebook page. The production will be directed by Josh Gibson, a veteran of both the Kokomo and Indianapolis theatre scenes. Serving as assistant director is his wife, Katherine.
"4th Wall was created to bring great literature to a broader audience," says Gibson, "We adapt the works, mostly novels, ourselves. In this case, the play is a literary classic and in public domain. It's the best of both literature and theatre. We want to bring Indianapolis something that is smart, funny, and relevant. The play shows people acting ridiculously because they have more money or less money than others. We see that behavior in America today. Why not show people how absurd it is? That is why I wanted to do 'Earnest.'"
The play has been a passion project of Gibson's for years. "I've wanted to direct it for a long time and we have put together one of the stronger casts I've seen. We'll be able to bring an excellent version to an entirely new generation of theatregoers. That's the most exciting part for me."
The 4th Wall Players was founded in 2011 by Gibson and Alan Keith.
More information about the performances can be found at Interested parties may also reach out by email at
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