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Old Town of Broad Ripple Meeting Minutes #183
posted: May 04, 2023

I feel these next few issues are going to be quite repetitive. They are concerning several street improvements and land annexations, but I am trying to preserve the minutes so will be including them as they are written. -Alan
This historic serial has run on and off in the last 18 years of the Broad Ripple Gazette. The intention is to share the history of Broad Ripple, help people find their ancestors in the text, and to complete the transcriptions of these important early documents.
The Town of Broad Ripple was incorporated in 1894, and started holding regular meetings at that time. In each issue, I will print my transcription of the old Town of Broad Ripple meeting minutes. These are taken from the original, hand-written minutes that contain many spelling errors. I have transcribed all the records as they were entered, including errors. I will make some corrections to the text in brackets [ ]. I will try to include street name changes, such as: Morgan Street is now Guilford, North is now 64th, Hancock is now Westfield. See more of our street name research at - Alan
The original minutes books are at the Indiana State Archives at 6440 E. 30th St.

Here is the one-hundred eighty-third installment
sidewalk on Hancock Street

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{specification amendment}

28 - The following brands of Portland cement have been tested in sidewalks construction and _____ been found satisfactory: - Alsen, Dycherhoff, Star, Stettin, Atlas, Alpha, Saylors, Midusa, Sanduilez, Cartetia, Peerless.
29 - Length of sidewalk to be laid as shown on plan
30 - Eight hundred and forty seven (847) feet of curbing to be used. Size (24) inches deep and (6) inches thick and must be of the best quality of stratified limestone to be tooled, cramdeled, _______ or planed true and smooth at east (10) inches on face and four (4) inches in rear. The corner next to the gutter to be 1 ¼ inches quarter round. Stone curb is to be set the entire length of the walk and at each end against which curb shall be layed the cement curb to be set to grade in a bed of (6) inches of fine gravel. The bed and backing to be thoroughly tamped with a heavy tamper the full length of the filling:
31 - The work to be made to gutter line of such cross streets as directed by engineer.
32 - Should the cement work be above ground a fill or backing shall be made on the property side of the walk to top of which fill or backing to be six (6) inches wide and in a level with the top of the cement walk.
33 - The gutter shall be made (8) inches lower than the top of curb and slope up to the natural surface three feet from curb.
34 - The town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids
35 - Each bid in the above work must be accompanied by a certified check for one hundred dollars ($100) payable to the Town Board and on failure of bidder to enter into such contract within 10 days after being awarded the contract said check and the proceeds thereof shall be and become the property of the Town Board as agreed and liquidated damages for failure to do so.
H.B. Fatout engineer

Improvement Resolution #3 for the improvement of Hancock St with cement _____ and lawn and gutters

Resolution for the improvement of sidewalks of Hancock Street (Westfield) from Morgan Street (Guilford) to Hamilton Street (Winthrop) on the north side and from Morgan Street to the Hamilton St on the south side in the Town of Broad Ripple, Marion County, State of Indiana. By placing a cement sidewalk thereon five (5) feet in width and my grading the lawns and gutters and declaring an emergency.
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