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Old Town of Broad Ripple Meeting Minutes #179
posted: Mar. 09, 2023

I feel these next few issues are going to be quite repetitive. They are concerning several street improvements, but I am trying to preserve the minutes so will be including them as they are written. -Alan
This historic serial has run on and off in the last 18 years of the Broad Ripple Gazette. The intention is to share the history of Broad Ripple, help people find their ancestors in the text, and to complete the transcriptions of these important early documents.
The Town of Broad Ripple was incorporated in 1894, and started holding regular meetings at that time. In each issue, I will print my transcription of the old Town of Broad Ripple meeting minutes. These are taken from the original, hand-written minutes that contain many spelling errors. I have transcribed all the records as they were entered, including errors. I will make some corrections to the text in brackets [ ]. I will try to include street name changes, such as: Morgan Street is now Guilford, North is now 64th, Hancock is now Westfield. See more of our street name research at - Alan
The original minutes books are at the Indiana State Archives at 6440 E. 30th St.

Here is the one-hundred seventy-ninth installment
annexing Lights Sugar Grove and Coil Park in 1905

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[margin] Resolution annexing Lights Sugar Grove addition 2nd section

Resolution extending the boundaries of the Town of Broad Ripple, Marion County, Indiana without petition.
Where as the following described territory hereafter described adjoining the Town of Broad Ripple of the county of Marion and State of Indiana has been laid off in lots and platted and a record of the town has been made in the Recorders Office of the County; heretofore Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Broad Ripple that the corporate limits of said town be said the same are hereby extended over said territory as follows To Wit

Part of the northeast quarter of section one (1) Township sixteen (16) north range three (3) east in Marion County, state of Indiana more particularly described as follows, To wit:

Beginning in Light Avenue at a point three hundred and forty three and twelve hundredths (343.12) feet of the north line of said quarter section and running south in Light Avenue seven hundred and forty six (746) feet thence north eighty nine and one quarter (89 ¼) degrees west eleven hundred and eighty one (1181) feet to the west line of said quarter section: thence north with said west line of said quarter nine and seventy two (9.72/100) chains to the canal thence north fifty one and three quarter (51 ¾) degrees east four and eighty eight hundredths (4.88) chains thence south eighty nine degrees east, seven hundred and twenty six and eighty three hundredths (725.83) feet. Thence south one hundred and seven and twelve hundredths (107.12) feet. Thence east one hundred and ninety two and seventeen hundredths (192.17) feet to the beginning. Containing twenty one and eight hundredths (21.80) acres more or less. Known as Light's Sugar Grove Addition Second Section.
And the territory enclosed within said boundary be and the same is hereby annexed to and shall be and form a part of said town: and the jurisdiction of said town be and is hereby extended over the same. The clerk of this town is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution accompanied by the map of said territory now before this Board in the office of the recorder of said county.

Be it further resolved by the Trustees of said town that any emergency exists for the immediate taking effect of these resolutions therefore the same shall be in full force and affect from and after their passage.

Resolution extending the boundaries of the Town of Broad Ripple, Marion County, Indiana, without petition
Whereas the following described territory herein after described adjoining the Town of Broad Ripple of the county of Marion and the State of Indiana, has been laid off in lots and platted and a record of the same has been made in the recorded office of said county: therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of said Town of Broad Ripple that the corporate limits of said town be said the same are hereby extended over said territory as follows. To wit:

Part of the northeast quarter of section one (1) Township sixteen (16) north range three (3) east in Marion County, state of Indiana more particularly described as follows, To wit:

Beginning at a corner stone seven hundred and twenty four (724) feet west of the east line and ten hundred and ninety four (1094) feet measured along the centre of Morgan Street south of the north of said section and running west seven hundred and fifty two and seven tenths (752.7) feet to the centre of Light Avenue: thence north with the centre of Light Avenue and parallel to the west line of said quarter section four hundred and eighty seven (487) feet thence east five hundred and sixty two (562) feet thence south parallel to the west of said quarter section one hundred and ninety four and thirty six hundredth (194.36) feet thence east two hundred and ten and two tenths (201.2) feet to the center of Morgan Street thence south four and three quarters (4 ¾) degrees west two hundred and ninety three and four tenths (293.4) feet to the beginning.
Containing seven and six hundredths (7.6) acres and known as Coil Park Addition.
And the territory enclosed within said boundaries be and the same is hereby annexed to and shall be and form a part of said town: and the jurisdiction of said town be and is hereby extended over the same. The clerk of this town is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution accompanied by the map of said territory now before this Board in the office of the recorder of said county.

Be it further resolved by the Trustees of said town that any emergency exists for the immediate taking effect of these resolutions therefore the same shall be in full force and effect from and after their passage.

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Light's Sugar Grove Addition Second Section as described above (drawn by Alan Hague, 2023)
Light's Sugar Grove Addition Second Section as described above (drawn by Alan Hague, 2023)

Coil Park Addition as described above (drawn by Alan Hague, 2023)
Coil Park Addition as described above (drawn by Alan Hague, 2023)

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