Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #16
posted: Mar. 09, 2023

Part Sixteen
Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959
When mother lived we twins always had a big birthday dinner with the 3 Kuhn girls, Helen Bracken and Gladys Klepper as guests. Seeing the Kuhn girls recently they remarked that those birthday dinners was one of the highlights of their childhood. Nora didn't care to go to the trouble of having company for us so we didn't have too many dinners for people our age.
The Al Roberts had lived where Doris does now and moved to New Bethel. After five years they came back and Girstle and Russell were real pals. In time Russell began to notice that Girstle had a sister Edna and in time we began to find ways of being together. Dad was pretty strict on the dating business before we were 16 or so. Russell would be up on a Sunday and start to Epworth League by himself (Epworth League was our M.Y.F.) and I would start out with Girstle. Before we had gone very far (out of sight at home) I would leave Girstle and go with Russell. He was going with Mabel a lot as she was free to date much earlier than we were. Edith was going with Glen McKenzie. About the first date I really had with Dad knowing about it was a children's day program at Allisonville Church just east of where Mildred Bracken lives now. There were several couples of us and before the evening was over most of the fellows had traded girls whether the girls approved or not. It wasn't long until Russell and I was dating steady. The folks and us would leave church at the same time and Dad always wondered why it took our horse so much longer than his to get home.
end of part sixteen