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Broad Ripple Kiwanis Club Supports School Projects Through Donors Choose Donations
posted: Apr. 28, 2022

Ms. Williams at Phalen Leadership Academy submitted a project "Life Cycle Fun!" for funding from the Kiwanis. The Club funded the remaining amount on the project so that the materials would be ordered and sent to the school.
Life Cycle Fun!
"These students don't come from the best backgrounds but they have a love of learning and I want to continue to build that. I will do so by creating hands-on, fun, and engaging lessons for them. Our upcoming unit is on life cycles and these materials will allow me to create hands-on experiences most of them have never had. We will watch butterflies form, see how earthworms live, and grow plants from seeds. These will not only teach the standards but they will be fun learning experiences."
Mrs. Williams shared her students response with us.
"Thank you so much for your kind donation. I can't wait to get these materials and my scholars get their hands on them! They will be so excited to see plants grow from the root, watch how earthworms live, and watch the life cycle of a butterfly before their very eyes. Thank you for making this experience possible."
Broad Ripple Kiwanis
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