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Random Rippling - Dan Wakefield book reading event
posted: Oct. 28, 2021

Dan Wakefield Park, 6051 Broadway Street [JJ22 on map], was the site of an all-day live book reading of Dan Wakefield's novel Under the Apple Tree. It was a cold, sunny day in the park. Dan and others sat bundled up to hear the stream of readers.

Random Rippling - Dan Wakefield book reading event

The Gazette's own Queen Bee Nora Spitznogle took her turn reading a passage at the park
The <i>Gazette's</i> own Queen Bee Nora Spitznogle took her turn reading a passage at the park

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Dan Wakefield enjoying the warm sun and Nora reading his novel
Dan Wakefield enjoying the warm sun and Nora reading his novel

Random Rippling - Dan Wakefield book reading event

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