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Broad Ripple Brewpub Quiz
posted: Aug. 05, 2021

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Questions from a past Brewpub Quiz. This quiz was won by Black Friars with 18 points.

Reality TV
1) Who is the host of Big Brother?
2) Who is the executive producer of Survivor as well as both the executive producer and creator of The Apprentice?
3) Which former Indianapolis Colts player and his wife are contestants on the current season of The Amazing Race?
4) What reality series was co-produced by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck?

Alphabet Countries
1) What country that starts with the letter "N" is the only one that has a non-rectangular flag?
2) Which of the U. N. member states comes first alphabetically?
3) Only three letters of the alphabet have a single U. N. member state that start with that letter. What are those three letters?
4) There are no U. N. member states whose names starts with an "X" or what other letter?

M. O. V. I. E. S. the answers to these questions begin either with the letter M, O, V, I, E or S (decide which two are not used)
1) What 1939 movie starred Lon Chaney Jr. as Lennie and Burgess Meredith as George?
2) What film released in 1960 was based on a novel by Leon Uris?
3) What movie, directed by Billy Wilder, from 1954 and starring Humphrey Bogart, William Holden and Audrey Hepburn was remade in 1995 starring Harrison Ford, Greg Kinnear and Julia Ormond?
4) What movie released in 1989, and starring Colin Firth and Annette Bening, was based on the 1782 novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses?

Card Games
1) Chemin de Fer is a version of what card game?
2) What are the first three of the five community cards dealt in Texas Hold 'Em known as?
3) What card game uses two decks, but with all cards from the twos to the eights taken out leaving a set of forty-eight cards?
4) In what card game is the score kept using pegs?

'90s Lyrics
1) "I've been careless with a delicate man" are lyrics from what song by what artist?
2) "All the roads we have to walk are winding, all the lights that lead us there are blinding" are lyrics from what song by what band?
3) "Sometimes I feel like my only friend is the city I live in" are lyrics from what song by what band?
4) "Sleep with one eye open, gripping your pillow tight" are lyrics from what song by what band?
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