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Annual Earth Day Indiana Festivals Steps Forward to June 5th
posted: May 13, 2021

Why the change in date from a long history of the Earth Day Indiana Festival occurring in mid-April, around Earth Day to a June date? If we know one thing about Indiana weather, it's that it's unpredictable, especially this week! Over the years, our rain-or-shine festival has seen its share of inclement weather in April. By moving to the early June date, we can all but ensure a beautiful, balmy day.
"Shouldn't we celebrate Earth Day every day?" said Earth Day Indiana Executive Director Greg Ziesemer. "Our annual festival seeks to promote recycling, protecting natural resources and encouraging everyday practices that are good for our Earth 24/7, 365 days a year. There's no Planet B. My hope is to encourage people to celebrate and care for our planet every single day and be good stewards of its future always."
There is no coincidence that the Earth Day Indiana board has selected June 5, 2021 - World Environment Day - as this year's date for the festival. It is within the board's plan going forward for the annual festival to occur in early June near World Environment Day.
World Environment Day was initiated in 1974 by the United Nations, and has a different "host" country and theme, each year. This year's theme is "biodiversity" and the host country is Columbia.
This year's Earth Day Indiana Festival will be held at Garfield Park in Indianapolis and feature learning, networking, advocacy and activities for children of all ages in a fun, family-friendly atmosphere. Volunteers are welcome, as are exhibitors. Stay tuned to Earth Day Indiana's website as they share the lineup of the day's festivities! has recognized the Earth Day Indiana Festival as one of the most successful single-day events of its kind in the state, with both Hoosiers and Midwesterners and beyond in attendance. Earth Day Indiana anticipates attendance numbers only growing with the new early June date.
About Earth Day Indiana: For more than 30 years, the Earth Day Indiana Festival has welcomed families from Central Indiana and the Midwest to learn and be inspired to do their part for environmental responsibility. The free annual event is designed to be an interactive and connecting, as well as, celebrate and educate on environmental topics such as recycling, conservation of natural resources and sustainable living. The annual festival's full line-up of activities includes a 5K run/walk, live music, demonstrations, storytelling, crafts, vendors and food/beverages. Learn more at:

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