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Everything Broad Ripple HomearrowRandom Ripplings Homearrow2020 11 05arrowPublic Notice

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posted: Nov. 05, 2020

Indiana Diaper Bank, the only such bank in the state of Indiana, has launched a virtual campaign and diaper drive - "#sharethelove". This will take place from November 1 through January 2.
Started in 2017, Indiana Diaper Bank is a non-profit bringing awareness and assistance to parents in need. The need for diapers and baby essentials, although always great, has sky-rocketed since COVID-19 hit, and it doesn't seem to be lessening.
The amount of assistance the Indiana Diaper Bank can provide depends on stock on their shelves. This stock has been greatly reduced due the increased demand in diapers, pull-ups and wipes, combined with not being able to host the average five diaper drives/month since March. In addition, with businesses struggling, donated funds have significantly decreased.
In response to this need, the Indiana Diaper Bank has launched a virtual diaper drive campaign called #sharethelove. Making the event virtual allows for a safe format while we continue to practice social distancing.
This campaign has a twofold purpose. First, Indiana Diaper Bank aims to foster a supportive online environment where parents can build one another up - and acknowledge that support is essential in helping parents achieve their best. Indiana Diaper Bank invites all to share positive thoughts and uplift one another, using #sharethelove.
Parents put everything they have into loving and caring for their babies. Yet, in a new Pampers survey conducted among moms, 9 out of 10 worry they aren't doing a good enough job.
"For me, motherhood has been an incredible experience. It's certainly the most challenging and the most fulfilling role I have ever taken on. I will admit, as a mom, I am hard on myself. No matter how hard I try, I often worry if I am doing enough. . . or making the right decisions for my children. So, I'm striving to be kinder to myself and to try to see myself through my daughter's eyes. She always inspires me by her unconditional love," says, Rachael Suskovich, CEO of Indiana Diaper Bank.
The second purpose of the campaign is the diaper drive. The diaper drive aims to collect 150,000 diapers to provide to Indiana parents. This number of diapers will help lift the waitlist that Indiana Diaper Bank has taken on as a result of the COVID pandemic. Visit the following Amazon link in order to donate to the drive: Amazon donations will be mailed directly to the diaper bank.
Every diaper, dollar and product generated from this campaign will go directly to the Indiana Diaper Bank programs. Indiana Diaper Bank operates an open pantry and also provides thousands of diapers a month to other nonprofits who provide baby essentials to communities throughout the state of Indiana.
For additional information about the #sharethelove campaign, the event is posted on Facebook: You many also contact Rachael Suskovich at
Indiana Diaper Bank helps enable a healthier start to a promising future for families in need. Fulfilling the most basic baby need, diapers, is the first step toward a stronger community!
The Indiana Diaper Bank is a non-profit organization, formed in October 2017 by Rachael Suskovich, CEO, to address diaper need and to raise awareness about the diaper gap at a state level. It is the only diaper bank in the state. Indiana Diaper Bank has the opportunity to make a health, social and economic impact by providing families in need with free diapers, leading to a range of positive outcomes for families. These outcomes include positive changes in parental mood (reducing risk of childhood abuse); improved child health and happiness (nurturing their ability to learn); and increased opportunities for childcare, work stability, and school attendance. Indiana Diaper Bank is on a mission to provide the basic essentials families need to thrive as they wholeheartedly believe that every parent needs a little help, and every parent has a little help, to give.
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For more information, visit our website: Indiana Diaper Bank

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