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Enjoy the sounds of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra throughout August!
posted: Aug. 13, 2020

There are still several opportunities to enjoy the music of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra virtually throughout the month of August, including a partner project with Eskenazi Health, 'From the Vault" and "Symphony on the Patio".
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra musicians and the Marianne Tobias Music Program In partnership with Eskenazi Health, musicians from the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (ISO) participated in the Marianne Tobias Music Program throughout the summer performing for patients and front line workers. ISO musicians have performed live on the Marianne Tobias Music Program previously, but given the current circumstances, a virtual presence was preferred. Recordings of these performances can be found on the ISO's YouTube channel (
"We have been having conversations with the team at Eskenazi Health about how to make our partnership stronger through more opportunities for future performances, but given our current circumstances during the pandemic, we wanted to find a way to collaborate online in the meantime," said Katie McGuinness, Director of Artistic Planning for the ISO.
The hospital is currently streaming past recordings of music that is in the public domain as well as a number of new recordings and videos from ISO musicians. Videos shared by local artists are viewed as 'episodes' on the new internal patient Marianne Tobias Music Program Television Channel. These videos are also available on demand for patients to access at any time during their time in the hospital. Additional video messages from musicians were sent to thank front line workers for everything that they are doing and to send warm wishes to the patients at the hospital.
Diana Ortega, Marianne Tobias Music Program at Eskenazi Health Lead and Special Assistant to Matthew R. Gutwein, President and CEO of Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County, is grateful to the ISO and their contributions to their patients' recovery. "We are grateful for the countless hours the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra musicians have dedicated in preparing and recording their music to help for our front line staff and our sickest patients. These world-class musicians have provided comfort with their extraordinary personalized performances and have helped boost moral during these unprecedented times."
The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra presents 'From the Vault' every Friday evening The ISO is excited to share virtual concerts with you through "From the Vault," our socially distant musical experience. During our usual weekend performance time on Friday night, we're broadcasting favorite recordings from the ISO archives. "I have such fond memories of performing with the beautiful musicians of the Indianapolis Symphony," said guest violinist Alexi Kenney. "Their talent, enthusiasm, and commitment creates the kind of magic on stage which is palpable in every performance I've heard them give. I wish them, and their wonderful audience, good health during this rough patch, and I'm so happy that my performance has been included as part of the 'From the Vault' series." No tickets or trips downtown needed: just tune in to the ISO's YouTube channel ( at 8pm each Friday. Pro tip: subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive reminders about upcoming broadcasts or subscribe to the ISO's weekly newsletter at Grab your quarantine partners, your pets, and Zoom your friends to share the magic of music together!
"While we would love to be in the Hilbert Circle Theatre with you, at least we can continue to bring the ISO to you in your homes through the 'From the Vault' series," said Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Music Director Krzysztof UrbaƄski. "We hope it brings you some joy until we can all return to the stage again."
Tune in Saturday nights to 93.1 WIBC or for Kroger Symphony on the Patio! We are excited to air interviews with ISO musicians, guest artists, and previous ISO recordings Saturday nights at 7PM through August and share some of our music with all of Central Indiana. "Being able to hear performances from our ISO musicians as soloists and an orchestra as a whole is filling the void that cancelling Kroger Symphony on the Prairie has left," said Mallory Essig, Associate Director of Artistic Coordination. "Although listening on the radio is a much different experience, it's just another example of how the arts-and music in particular-will always find a way."
The ISO will continue to find ways to stay connected with the Indianapolis community during this time and to share the gift of music. For the latest updates about the ISO-including upcoming concerts and events-follow the ISO on social media or on their website at We look forward to the day when we can safely welcome the community back to Hilbert Circle Theatre.

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