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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v16n15)
The Wine Scene - by Jill A. Ditmire
posted: Jul. 26, 2019

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It was 88 outdoors and 94 in my car on the drive home one night last week. Add the humidity and it felt like it was 104. Yet despite the heat in the air and the sweat on my brow, I still wanted a red wine. Strange? Perhaps to those who only drink red when it's cold and white when it's hot. I drink both year round. I love white wine on a cold snowy day and this night I was going to enjoy a dry rich red. What to choose? I figured a red from a warm dry climate where people drink it year round would be a good choice. Argentina came to mind as I remembered a visit to the Mendoza region a decade ago. The trip included several days exploring the vineyards and tasting the wines of the Catena Family who excel in the production of Malbec. The grape originated in France but thrives in Argentina where the soil and sun bring out its spicy dark black fruit flavors. Catena offers a number of labels and its ALAMOS Malbec is one of the most reliable and affordable in the market. Jammy flavors of mulberry, blueberry and ginger are lush and lively and offer just enough tooth purpling tannin for a smooth but not grippy finish. This wine drinks well with just about any kind of food too once again making it a wine for all seasons.

The Wine Scene - by Jill A. Ditmire
image courtesy of Jill A. Ditmire

You can still see and purchase local art showcased during the Third Thursday Art Walk in the village and nearby SAKS Fifth Avenue department store. Highly recommended shows from "art walkers" include Bill Foley's photographs at Perk Up/Brotgarten, fabric artists extraordinaire at SAKS on 3 and a group show at St Paul's On the Way.

Broad Ripple's Cork and Cracker will once again be the vendor for the Gennesaret Clinic's fundraiser on August 18th. This years theme is Fiesta De Artes featuring the wines of Spain along with food, art and music of Spain and Mexico. Get your tickets now

Live, local theater returns to Broad Ripple next month at STOREFRONT THEATRE on Broad Ripple Avenue. CEO Ronan Marra gave me a tour of the newly renovated space that includes room for refreshments, performances, community gatherings and art. NO EXIT Performance hosts a behind the scenes event on July 27th and Jackson Brown Entertainment brings the first show to the space in August.

Jill A. Ditmire is an Omnimedia wine specialist, AWS certified wine judge, freelance broadcast journalist and 20+ year home owner in the Warfleigh neighborhood of Broad Ripple. Send your questions and comments to Jill at
Also on INSTAGRAM @jaditmire
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