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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v14n20)
Random Rippling - 60th anniversary of Opti Park
posted: Sept. 29, 2017

The Optimist Club of Northside Indianapolis celebrated the 60th anniversary of Opti Park at 66th and Carrollton Avenue [A3 on map], and the 70th of the club, with a picnic in the park.

Front row from left to right: Debbie Kelb, Ellen Winking, Kathy Drewes, Lynn Roberts.
Back row from left to right: Darnell Booker, Michele Baker, Elbert Bradshaw, Jennifer Marshall, Bob Homburg, Leslie Hankins, Phil Roberts, Kent Dicken.
Front row from left to right: Debbie Kelb, Ellen Winking, Kathy Drewes, Lynn Roberts.<br>Back row from left to right: Darnell Booker, Michele Baker, Elbert Bradshaw, Jennifer Marshall, Bob Homburg, Leslie Hankins, Phil Roberts, Kent Dicken.

Opti Park

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