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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v14n01)
Poetic Thoughts - 2 Joyful Dancers / to: emile namsemon - by C.W. Pruitt II
posted: Jan. 06, 2017

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2 Joyful Dancers
The first dancing poem alludes to King David from II Samuel chapter 6 of the Old Testament.
The second poem is about Emile Namsemon. He was a friend of mine from my Ball State days.

The Dancing King

He was magnetized
by the Ark
and his dancing
would have made
Michael Jackson and Fred Astaire
look slow and stiff.

It would have been
a sight to see
David dance
before the Lord.

C.W. Pruitt II
Sept. 15, 2016

to: emile namsemon

your dancing
was electric joy
spun throughout
the room -
those around
imbibed the vibe
of the
joyful dancing saint

C.W. Pruitt II
Sept. 29, 2016
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