Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v13n12)
Dan Wakefield Park ribbon cutting
posted: Jun. 10, 2016
On June 1, 2016, the neighborhood park at 61st and Broadway Street was filled with dignitaries, all there to honor a writer from Broad Ripple, Dan Wakefield.
Dan Wakefield (wielding scissors), with (L to R) Pat, John, and Adele Chastain cut the ribbon as dozens of cameras recorded the event.
Last year, Pat Chastain made an unprecedented request to the Indy Parks board to rename a city park in honor of a living person. He proposed that Broadway & 61st Park (always misrepresented by a sign that reads "61st & Broadway Park") be renamed in honor of Indiana author Dan Wakefield, best known for his book Going All The Way. Dan grew up near the park and attended IPS School 80. After much deliberation the board voted to change the name.
The speakers at the June 1 ceremony included past U.S. Senator and Indianapolis Mayor Richard Lugar, present Mayor Joe Hogsett, director of Indy Parks Linda Broadfoot, Indy Reads director Travis DiNicola, Indy Star columnist Will Higgins, author and director of Indiana Writers' Center Barb Shoup, and Groundwork Indy director Phyllis Boyd. All had kind words and memories to share about Dan, including several references to spending time at the Red Key Tavern with him.
Travis DiNicola
Linda Broadfoot
Mayor Joe Hogsett
Dan, overwhelmed by the accolades from the distinguished speakers, ended with "After this day, I have no need for a memorial service. Everybody can just go to the Red Key, play the juke box, and have a drink."
Dan Wakefield
Students from IPS CFI 84 performed several songs, and Caroline Smith sang "I'll Be Seeing You" to end the ceremony. CFI 84 students John and Adele Chastain helped Dan cut the ribbon to open the newly named park.
Pictures of the entire event are at
CFI 84 music
new sign
Phyllis Boyd
Barb Shoup
Will Higgins
Senator Richard Lugar
Dan Wakefield
Ribbon Cutting