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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n16)
July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects
by Alan Hague
posted: Aug. 08, 2014

There were three items on the agenda for the July 22, 2014, public meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association (BRVA) Land Use and Development (LU&D) Committee that was held at the Indianapolis Art Center. There were approximately 40 in attendance. The first item on the agenda, property at 6311 Westfield Boulevard, was omitted as the petitioner did not attend the meeting.
The second item on the agenda was for:
806-888 E. 66th Street, Chris Chabenna and members of JHJ Holdings with more specific plans for the development of this are for multi-family dwellings.
This was the third time for this project to come before the committee. The proposed project is to raze the remaining building at the site that currently houses a Montessori school, and build a 63-unit apartment building (see above photo). Other homes were previously razed a few years ago when the property was slated for a different development. The building design is 3 floors of apartments with parking underneath. Parallel parking along 66th and sidewalks will be added. The hearing is set for August 14, 2014. The committee voted to support the petition.

Mark Demerly describing the project.
Mark Demerly describing the project.

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

The third agenda item was for:
6440 Westfield Boulevard, Greg Jacoby regarding redevelopment for a parking garage, office building and restaurant.
This is the second time this proposal has been before the committee. Since the first appearance, a BRVA Land Use Sub-committee was formed and has met with the petitioner twice to work out concerns.
This proposal is to raze the Kennington Post American Legion #34 at 65th and Westfield Boulevard and build an office building, restaurant and parking garage on the site. The design of the building is quite complex, due to the differing frontages - the river is across Westfield to the east, the Monon Trail is on the west and 65th Street is on the north. The Envision Broad Ripple Plan calls for different design scales for these different frontages. The proposed design attempts to fulfill all of the demands, with less mass on the trail side and the taller portion on the river side (see image below with trail on right, 66th on lower left and Westfield and White River on upper left behind building). This petition will appear before the committee once more before the hearing downtown.
The BRVA LU&D public meetings are the 4th Tuesday of each month.

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects

July land use meeting - 3 and 5 floor projects
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Brought to you by: Broad Ripple collector pins