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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n16)
Banner Artist of the issue - Maggie Machledt Girard
posted: Aug. 08, 2014

Banner Artist of the issue - Maggie Machledt Girard
image courtesy of Maggie Machledt Girard

The artist for this banner is Maggie Machledt Girard. She is a paper-cutting artist and art therapist. Maggie grew up just south of Broad Ripple, had the chance to live in Michigan, DC, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia before moving back to Broad Ripple recently. "I love living in Broad Ripple-I am grateful for the creativity in local businesses, the accessibility by bike, and the canal, so I've included these in my banner."
In addition to papercut art, she repurposes flat bike tubes to make earrings and necklaces. "I like that this rubber material, which usually sits for years in a landfill when we get flat tires, is light-weight and versatile, and can be cut into feathers and leaves and so many shapes." You can check them out at, or soon at Gather :handmade shoppe & Co. in Bloomington (
When not cutting up paper & bike tubes, Maggie works as an elementary school art therapist, and is in constant awe of how creative and resilient kids can be.

Banner Artist of the issue - Maggie Machledt Girard
image courtesy of Maggie Machledt Girard

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