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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n16)
Gettin' Ripped in Ripple - Your Own Shoes - by Laura Minor
posted: Aug. 08, 2014

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Your Own Shoes
You know, it is such a true fact that no one should/could/can judge anyone until they have walked in his/her shoes. And who really has walked in any one person's shoes? Probably no one ever, really. Yet many are quite fast to judge others even so. Let's start this conversation on the topic of weight loss for example. People that are overweight. . . .hmmmm chances are sure they damn well KNOW it. Stop teasing them, whispering about them, thinking they are lazy, think they don't care about their lives; etc.
Let's put this even on a higher level. . . . These people, as which every other addiction on the planet, most likely, have a deeper problem that is likely perpetuating these behaviors they are not happy about. HOWEVER, it is way more apparent, physically than say an alcoholic, a sex addict, a pot head or many other addictions. More so, they have an affliction that they also cannot "quit". You need to eat to stay alive. You do not NEED alcohol, pot, or sex to live; but you need to eat. This is something one truly cannot quit or they ultimately will die. So, these people face truly two difficult battles. One: the physical judgment by others and Two: the addiction that is likely very public (as others are watching and judging what those struggling are eating, etc.).
It is an easy answer for some people that don't understand these (or other) struggles; it's black and white: "Eat better or just exercise more." for example. But obviously that is not the real problem! The issue lies way deeper as is does with every addiction. No matter what kind. No one is truly hungry enough to weigh 400 lbs.; No one needs to drink a lot of alcohol, no one needs to run 10 miles a day, etc. But for whatever reason, in human nature, we find all types of people, having all types of escapes. We all have a proverbial "Achilles heel" whether it be crazy obvious to the world or not at all (yes you probably do too). Those that have the obvious ones are way more vulnerable than others.
The main point here is: please don't judge. If someone is overweight they aren't necessarily lazy. If someone isn't overweight they aren't necessarily very driven.
Better put: if someone is wearing some shoes that seem funny or "wrong" to you. . . please stop yourself; cause chances are you probably don't deserve to walk in them.

Laura Minor owner and operator of So.Be.Fit. Personal Training and Fitness studio located at 54th and the Monon. She is passionate about teaching others how to "FIT" exercise and physical activity into their daily lives, and have fun while doing so! Visit her website at or e-mail
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