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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n14)
July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects
by Alan Hague
posted: Jul. 11, 2014

It was a packed agenda at the June public meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association (BRVA) Land Use and Development Committee. There were more than 40 in attendance at the June 24, 2014, meeting at the Indianapolis Art Center. The agenda listings are in italics below.

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

A) 6280 College Avenue, Suite 700, HopCat Broad Ripple, Mark Elder with Wolverine Building Group, & Alex Sulanke, Petitioner, regarding a variance of development standards to provide for a 22-seat restaurant sidewalk café in the right-of-way (not permitted) of College Avenue, with a wrought iron fence, umbrellas and portable propane heaters. Petition #2014-DV1-024 Hearing Tuesday, August 5, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. Alcoholic beverage permit request hearing Monday, July 7, 2014 at 9:30 a.m.
This petition is for a sidewalk dining area on College Avenue for HopCat restaurant in the parking structure. The outdoor area is expected to add 22 seats. Approximately 6½ feet of sidewalk would remain between the new fencing and the street. The committee voted unanimously to support this petition.
B) 6223 Guilford Avenue, 3 Sisters Restaurant, David Gilman, regarding a variance of development standards to provide for a restaurant, with outdoor seating (not permitted), a parking lot, with deficient maneuvering area on-site and within a public alley (adequate maneuvering area required) and with parking with zero-foot front and east transitional yards (10 foot front and east transitional yard along an alley required). Petition #2014-DV3-022 Hearing Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.
This petition is for moving 3 Sisters Cafe from 6360 Guilford Avenue to the yellow house at 6223 Guilford Avenue [H5 on map]. A deck for up to 65 patrons is planned for the site. The committee voted unanimously to support this petition.
The remaining four items on the agenda had no voting by the committee as they were all "for information and feedback only" presentations. The presenters will return to the committee after the plans have been filed with the city.
C) 6440 Westfield Boulevard, Gene Valanzano regarding redevelopment of the American Legion site (Kennington Post). Will be filing July 10, 2014 with DMD.
This petition is for a multi-story office building with a restaurant and a parking garage on the site of the American Legion Kennington Post at 65th and Westfield Boulevard. Plans include 3 floors of office space totaling 72,000 square feet, a 7500 square foot restaurant space, and an attached parking garage with 219 spaces. A positive presented for this project is that instead of apartments, this building will increase the daytime business aspect of the Village. Another positive is that is parking required by the project is provided on-site.

Legion property proposal
Legion property proposal

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

D) 6311 Westfield Boulevard, Todd Morris owner of the building and Michael Rabinowitch, Legal Council, regarding redevelopment for a multi-family dwelling.
This petition is for razing the office building north of McDonald's and Brugge Brasserie on the White River and constructing a 42-unit apartment building overlooking the river [F6 on map].
E) 806-888 E. 66th Street, Chris Chabenne regarding further information on multifamily development. Will be filing in July with DMD.
This was the second presentation by Michael Kosene for plans to build a 63-unit, 4-story, apartment building along 66th Street between Opti park and Ferguson Street [B4 on map]. There would be 60 parking spaces under the building and an additional 13 on the street. Sidewalks would be added.

66th Street project - Item E on agenda - Michael Kosene, left, describing the proposed 63-unit apartment building on 66th Street next to Opti Park.
Item E on agenda - Michael Kosene, left, describing the proposed 63-unit apartment building on 66th Street next to Opti Park.

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

F) 6265-6289 Broadway Street, David Kingen and Greg Stoll regarding changes to the plan for developing a multifamily building. Will be filing soon.
This presentation showed the changes made to the plans following the previous meeting discussions of the now 7-condo building proposed along the canal behind CVS [G2 on map]. The petitioner said the three-story building would screen the neighbors from the Village and parking garage across the canal. The building would be 33 feet tall along the Laverock side.

Laverock/Broadway project
Laverock/Broadway project

July zoning meeting - 4 multi-story projects

The next public meeting of the committee is scheduled for July 22, 2014, at 6 p.m. at the Indianapolis Art Center Library.
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