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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n13)
Howling at the Moon by Susan Smith
posted: Jun. 27, 2014

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Today I read the column written by Indy Star columnist Bob Kravitz commenting on the racist nickname given to the Washington football team. . . Redskins. It took me way back to the old TV shows and the Wild West. The favorites were Wagon Train, Gunsmoke, Bonanza and The Lone Ranger. Hollywood starred John Wayne in westerns. I can't imagine how politically incorrect those days were. But in traveling down memory lane it brought me back to my first dog and my childhood on Winthrop Avenue, you know that little street that's more apt to be called "The Monon" than anything else. It really was a different time. We kids would go out and play all day without helicopter parents (they weren't needed). Somehow we always played Cowboys and Indians. It wasn't my favorite because as a young girl I had long braids so you can guess who was always the Indian squaw tied to the tree. This really upset my dog Prince who was a German Shepherd mix. Also in those days dogs ran pretty free and when I went out to play he was the watch dog who followed me everywhere. If anybody messed with me he was on it. Most of the time it infuriated me and I just wanted him gone. I would yell and scream and beat at him to go home but he just sat there, so much older and wiser than I. I was probably 6 or 7 and he twice that. I was his charge and he took it seriously.
One day after a heavy rain the basement in our little bungalow flooded deep (I wonder if they still do on Winthrop) and old Prince was downstairs and couldn't make it up. My heroic big brother went down and hauled this big heavy dog up the flight and out of the mess. Such a brave and courageous dog became a silly sissy when it thundered and would hide under the bed or work his way around between the wall and the claw foot bathtub (remember those? No I'm not eighty). Our next door neighbor, Dr. Bartlett, was a veterinarian and one day he came home after work and put Prince to sleep in the summer shade of our backyard. That night I climbed into my Daddy's lap and cried like a baby never realizing until I was older that he was probably crying too. Now every time I am online and prompted to create a password with a security clue I always think of Prince when one of the clues given is the name of your first pet. I wonder if the memories happen to you as well when you see that security question.
The season of fireworks and thunderstorms are upon us and if your dog is a sissy like Prince, I have some suggestions. Pet Naturals of Vermont make wonderful calming treats that are herbal and all natural. These small bite size supplements really work at easing stress. When we purchase supplements such as these and hip and joint formulas, skin and coat formulas, probiotics, etc. we look for the NASC seal. That stands for National Animal Supplement Council. The council is a board of veterinarians that put the products through serious testing before they give it their accreditation. So, if it has their seal on it, it does what it says it will or they don't approve it. There are many products on the market but for my money it has to have that seal. It is a stamp of confidence much like the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. Prince would have benefited from the Thunder Shirt as well. This is a tightly wrapped cotton knit garment that is secured with Velcro to be very snug. Compare this to a fussy, nervous baby who is securely swaddled. It is very calming. These attractive shirts have a high success rate of 80%. If your dog is truly a Nervous Nelly there is a money back guarantee so you can't lose for trying. Hopefully the fireworks won't go on for days and days and life will return to normal. Happy Summer! Pets make you smile

Susan Smith is a life-long area resident and is the owner of City Dogs Grocery located at 52nd and College. Send your pet related questions/comments to
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