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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n13)
Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
posted: Jun. 27, 2014

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Bar opens along the Monon Trail
What? Another bar in the Ripple. Yes, but one for adults and right on the Monon. The Hotel Broad Ripple has opened a new bar which is open to the public. The "bar" features outdoor seating on the grass in the back of the hotel (facing the Monon Trail). According to night manager Brett Davis, they will offer a rotating selection of craft beers (a recent posting showed a pale ale offered at $5) plus light snacks such as cheese and fruit. They are open from 5 pm. to 10 p.m. during the week and from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. on weekends.

Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
image courtesy of Bill Malcolm

BR Farmers Market offers creamery, sets July music schedule
If you are like me, first thing every Saturday is a trip to the Broad Ripple Farmers Market. There is always something new, like the new creamery/cheese stand known as The Tulip Tree Creamery. Their butter is made with cultured cream. Their Fromage Frais cheese is a soft creamy herb cheese spread and is made out of whole cow's milk and cream. It sells for $6. The fresh mozzarella is unique and sells for $4 or $7. This new business does not have a regular store so you can only buy their products here. In other market news, Jinny Sauer Bastinanelli, newsletter creator for the Market, sent me the July music schedule for the market: July 5, 2014 - Dave Duvall, July 12, 2014 - Chad Mills, July 19, 2014 - Dianna Davis, July 26, 2014 - Brearton & Hughes.

Used bikes and trade-ins a feature at SoBro bike shop
The Bicycle Exchange is celebrating its first year at its new location, 1053 E. 54th Street (right off the Monon Trail). This SoBro store not only sells new bikes but you can trade your old one in. It also sells used bikes and repairs bikes as well. Their hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. (They are closed Monday.) Their number is 602-3316. (They are located set back from the street, somewhat hard to notice.)

Work continues on the native plant garden along the Monon Trail
Chris Turner, noted area horticulturalist, is working on the new native plant garden which will honor Bill Brink. The Bill Brink Memorial Garden will run along the Monon Trail up to the Indianapolis Art Center. It will feature plants native to the Midwest (as well as native trees and shrubs). The Bill Brink Memorial Garden honors our former BR "Mayor". Funding is from INPAWS (the native plant society) and Marigold (owner Linda Shikany). You can find details on the Bill Brink Memorial Garden on Facebook. Turner is a volunteer who also runs his own landscaping service and also teaches gardening to volunteers every other Friday at the "dig n discuss" class/volunteer session.

Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
image courtesy of Bill Malcolm

New exhibit opens at Art Center
It's going to be a summer of fine art, creative performance and community building at the Indianapolis Art Center. Storytellers, the summer exhibition series, brings together a variety of artists, performers and community groups whose works tell stories.

Stop by our local city pool and enjoy the new mural
The BR pool is open Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. through 6 p.m. and Sunday noon to 6 p.m. Admission is just $3 ($2 for seniors over 55). But hurry they close August 3, 2014.

Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
image courtesy of Bill Malcolm

BR Park events
Don't miss Wizard Expo (ages 6-12) on June 25, 2014, and the Derek Dye Comedy-Juggling Show (ages 3-8) on July 7, 2014.

Indianapolis Fire Department trains on White River
The Indianapolis Fire Department was out training on the White River to do water rescue on June 5-6. The water levels were very high both days, including on Williams Creek. On Thursday June 5, there boats were able to navigate partially up Williams Creek which was unusual.

Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
image courtesy of Bill Malcolm

Mark your calendar
June 27, 2014 BR Park rock concert, 6:30 p.m.
July 3, 2014 Indianapolis Jazz Orchestra 7:00 pm Holliday Park
July 7, 2014 BR Park rock concert, 6:30 p.m.
July 16, 2014 ISO Brass and Percussion Ensemble 8:00 pm Holliday Park
July 31, 2014 Milemarker in concert at 7:00 pm Holliday Park

Bill Malcolm also writes a travel column in The Midwest Eagle and is a reporter for All Aboard Indiana (as a volunteer for both). He advocates for fair and affordable utility rates for a national association based in Washington, D.C. He welcomes reader feedback and story ideas. Send to
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