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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n11)
Howling at the Moon by Susan Smith
posted: May 30, 2014

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Let the fun begin! As I write this it is Memorial Day Weekend, the official start of summer activities (although officially still spring). You can't help but be in a good mood after the longest, coldest most depressing winter anyone alive today can ever remember. The swimming pools are open, the peonies are blooming, the brats are grilling, the race cars are roaring and the neighborhood dining patios are open. Aah, yes the neighborhood. The place you walk your dog, talk with your neighbors about lawn care, wave as you get the morning paper, plan block parties, get sad when for sale signs go up and get happy when new friends move in. What would we do without new friends, old friends and great neighbors? Neighbors are the ones you can call when something unexpected comes up and you know your dog is pacing but you can't get home to let him out. Neighbors are the ones who have a key chain with yours and others' keys on it. Neighbors often know your pass codes to your alarm system and when false alarms happen can save the day when you are not home. They can receive the surprise birthday gift you ordered for your spouse that you don't want to be found for a few more days. They can round up your run-away pet that escaped the yard while you went out for a brief time. They can be there to help pick up the pieces when something tragic happens, which it does.
Last night my neighbor held her annual Race Day party. It was bittersweet and as the conversation developed it shaped the content of this column. It made me realize just how wonderful community is and how lucky we are to call this area home. This neighbor lives behind us and I think the real reason we met was because of this loud, boisterous annual party, complete with live band, fireworks (they fell in our pool) and one time wedding ceremony. Most of us that surrounded them on any side or real close got an invitation slipped in our doors. I think they thought it was better to include us than have us call the police for disturbance. This was thirty years ago and still counting. It would go late and was fun for all unless we wanted to go to bed early, which we did by turning on fans for white noise. One year my cat even benefited from the raucous good time. The late night cleanup had been sparse and everyone tore out early the next morning for the track. We were enjoying company sitting by our pool when our cat strolled up the drive with a huge bratwurst that he had salvaged from the party leftovers. Cats like to hunt and I guess he was bringing us his treasure. We still laugh about it. Mostly we laugh at the off color comments that followed. It was all good fun.
What makes this bittersweet is that in March, our neighbor and host unexpectedly passed away. The friends this couple has are plentiful. Would this be the end of an era? The end of decades of gathering? I didn't think so. I knew I was right when I came home one day to a party invitation tucked in the door. When I called to RSVP she and I had a nice chat about how it might be sad but hugs and support would be a welcome thing. Her adult kids would be there coming from their faraway homes. They just wanted to do it. So we all gathered and as parties go we grouped with those we knew. In my case it was with the many neighbors from two streets. Newer neighbors talked about the future. Those of us with lengthy seniority talked about the past which was sprinkled with fun stories but most especially the one about Hollywood. Up and down the street and at the house right across from this party house, about 18 years ago movie crews set up all their gear and multiple trailers that served as dressing rooms and canteens. The house was the family home in the movie. Our neighborhood and The Red Key Tavern were film locations for "Going All The Way" starring a relatively unknown young actor-Ben Affleck. So once again we gathered at our race loving neighbors home, this time camping out on their lawn watching the production. Let me tell you if everyone had heard of Ben Affleck at that time, all of Indianapolis would have been camped out with us.
One night time scene had Ben running out of the house and down the street in his Jockey shorts. Not once but three times. He just couldn't get it right so it was a do over. So now I can say I saw Ben Affleck running down the street in our block in his underwear. This was over Labor Day weekend and this time we were the ones with the loud party at our pool. This drove the film crew crazy as the noise was picked up in the filming, so they devised a relay from the front yard to our back yard telling us to shush when they starting filming and urging us to carry on in between takes.
It was a 1950's era film so all the driveways were fitted with vintage cars. Memories! Please allow to me to be sentimental. Derry, thanks for all the memories you gave our neighborhood. You left us too early. The party wasn't over. We will all miss you as you walk your little dog around the block and visit with each of us. You were a good friend. You epitomized what a good neighbor is and showed us how to have fun.

Susan Smith is a life-long area resident and is the owner of City Dogs Grocery located at 52nd and College. Send your pet related questions/comments to
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