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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n11)
Gettin' Ripped in Ripple - Proceed. . . With Caution - by Laura Minor
posted: May 30, 2014

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Proceed. . . With Caution
A couple of weeks ago my sister Jenny got off work early and since it was such a nice day she decided to take the opportunity to grab a bike ride around the lovely Butler campus. As she leisurely rode enjoying the outdoors (and not wearing a helmet mind you), suddenly police sirens came up behind her and, sure enough, they were indeed for her. As she stood on the side of the road while the police officer sat for a while in his vehicle she was very confused about what she had done to cause this. The officer walked up to her and asked "Do you know why I pulled you over?" she replied "No." Then he said that in the last hour eight people including her blew through a stop sign at an intersection. As she told me this story, I remember saying "Are you serious?" and then immediately I regretted uttering those words especially in light of the horrible tragedy of the young man, Neil Kelty who was struck and killed by a school bus last month; not to mention Kelty was obeying traffic laws and wearing a helmet. And it also seems as though these types of accidents are on the rise. The officer wasn't mad at Jenny because she was annoying him, he was mad because he doesn't want her to get hit by a car.
I am not telling this story to be a martyr as I often ride with Jenny in my goofy flip flops, helmet-less, running stop signs and even sometimes on the wrong side of the road. Dumb? Yes. And if you want to send me an email about how dumb I am well then okay. But from here on out I intend to change that behavior.
I think it is awesome how much time, money and promotion that Indianapolis has put forth in the construction, maintenance, and signage of multiple bike lanes and fitness trails. I am impressed that our city is on "the map" along with others that are leaning toward fitness and wellness and away from our lazy and unhealthy reputation. But this doesn't come without consequence. As these lanes have been popping up, so have the occurrences of bikes and cars alike doing the wrong things in order to peacefully co-exist as "partners" on the road. Until the last few years Indianapolis drivers, in general, weren't (and aren't) accustomed to driving around bicyclists on an often basis. Sure one here and there, but not usually every car trip. And that is the first problem of a few. The lanes were created quite quickly, which made the roads more narrow and in some cases, the middle dashed lane lines aren't even corrected. So, drivers may not be anticipating cyclists and/or may even be driving in the actual bike lane unaware. And we have all seen dozens of drivers texting while driving!
Of course, of course, of course it is not only the drivers' responsibility to keep the bikers safe. Cyclists share an equal, if not greater since they are in more danger, duty to follow the rules of the road. And sure, they should be ticketed and punished if they do not. Sure it's nice to bound down the road and not have to stop. . . but if you don't you just may be going down it in an ambulance, or even worse, a hearse.
So, way to go Indy for taking the strides to make our loved city more travelable other than cars. But it is the citizens' responsibility to follow its lead by paying attention to safety.
For more specific information about the rules of the road for both drivers and cyclists check out these videos:

Laura Minor owner and operator of So.Be.Fit. Personal Training and Fitness studio located at 54th and the Monon. She is passionate about teaching others how to "FIT" exercise and physical activity into their daily lives, and have fun while doing so! Visit her website at or e-mail
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