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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n06)
Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
posted: Mar. 21, 2014

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We have a lot going on in the Ripple.

Long- vacant buildings in the Ripple an eyesore, Greens to open in June after 2 year delay
Several readers have asked us about the status of the various vacant buildings and lots in the Ripple. Here is an update on 4 long standing vacant businesses:
  1. At the corner of College and Broad Ripple Avenue sits a vacant restaurant and bar. A "for lease" sign remains on building. (This was the Barley Island Brewery and Scholars Inn before that.) A call to the realtor leasing the site was not returned.
  2. Former Shell Station (Whole Foods/Apartments site): The controversial proposal has been approved by the City. It is apparently pending TIF funding resolution. BRVA had no update nor a timetable but I am hearing not much will be happening until next year.
  3. Former Village Inn, 929 East Westfield: This is across the street from Brugge. A new restaurant and bar is planned. A construction permit is in the window of the facility. However, a call to the contractor was not returned. I am hearing a fall opening is anticipated.
  4. The old Monon Depot, 902 E 64th: This building on the Monon Trail housed the City Planning Department a few years ago. The fading green building has had a sign for over two years pronouncing the depot will be a new restaurant called "Public Greens (from the Patachou Foundation)".
While originally expected to open in March 2012, Christina Pippen, Patachou Brand Manager, told us that they incurred a delay due to the flood of the Petite Chou Broad Ripple location. Additionally, during this time they created and established a new 501c3, The Patachou Foundation.
The Public Greens Restaurant will now open in June. Proceeds will fund providing meals to at-risk children in the community. There will be a dedicated farmer for the green space and the restaurant will support local farmers, a chicken coop on the property, and a huge outdoor dining space along the Monon Trail. The upscale cafeteria service will have every menu item featuring house made and often grown locally items.

Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
image courtesy of Bill Malcolm

Robbery suspects nabbed
On March 7, 2014, Indianapolis police arrested two teenagers on charges involving a string of robberies in the Broad Ripple area.

Marrott Park trout lily bloom coming soon
Despite the recent snow and cold, the calendar says it time for spring and that means an explosion of spring wildflowers including the yellow trout lily and the bloodroot which may be found at Marrott Park at 75th and College.
This small park is a hidden gem for viewing spring flowers.
The trout lily gets its name from the mottled leaves which to some look like a trout. The blood root apparently has a reddish root.
There are many other flowers at the park and they are all spring ephemerals -- they have to bloom before the trees get their leaves.
Other great parks for viewing spring wild flowers include the forest north of the tennis courts at Broad Ripple Park and of course, Holliday Park.
Holliday Park offers 2 spring wildflower walks (April 12 and May 10) with Norma Wallman, the wild flower guru who just wrote a book on the subject.

image courtesy of Bill Malcolm

Trout lilly
Trout lilly
image courtesy of Bill Malcolm

New recreational trail along College Avenue near 75th Street almost complete
The new bike and hike recreational trail is almost finished. It runs from 75th Street and College south along the east side of College Avenue (next to Marrott Park). Since previously there was no sidewalk on this side of the street, this trail is a great addition and connects to the bike lane going east at 75th Street to connect to the Monon Trail.

Volunteer for JCC Earth Day April 27
The JCC's 3rd Annual Earth Day Community Celebration and they are looking for some great volunteers. The event is being held on Sunday, April 27th from 1-4pm If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jon Shapiro at or 317-251-9467, ext. 2214.
Health care enrollment ends April 1
If you are uninsured, don't forget enrollment ends for 2014 on April 1. Enroll today at

Happy 250th Birthday St. Louis!
This week's travel takes us to our historic neighbor city to the west which is celebrating its 250th Birthday. It was founded by the French. I stayed at the Omni Majestic at 8th and Pine (via a very low Priceline bid) and explored the great museums and restaurants.
Try the Mississippi Mud coffee and enjoy the art and the Art and Coffee Gallery ( for this and other galleries) and Cafe at 1223 Pine.
Tour the Beaux Arts gem, the City Library (1301 Olive).
Enjoy an IPA micro brew and dinner at Schlafly's .
Enjoy the gourmet foods at Culinaria.
St. Louis makes a perfect weekend getaway.

Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
image courtesy of Bill Malcolm

Around the Ripple and beyond
March 26, 2014 - Holliday Park garden work day
March 28, 2014 - Holliday Park labor and learn workshop, spring clean up
April 5, 2014 - Holliday Park garden work day
April 11, 2014 - Spring flowering shrubs discussed at labor and learn volunteer program at Holliday Park

Bill Malcolm also writes a travel column in The Midwest Eagle and is a reporter for All Aboard Indiana (as a volunteer for both). He advocates for fair and affordable utility rates for a national association based in Washington, D.C. He welcomes reader feedback and story ideas. Send to
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