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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n03)
The Wine Scene: by Jill A. Ditmire
posted: Feb. 07, 2014

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Snooze but don't Lose Wines
I love the snooze button on my phone. I know when it sounds that I can tap it and enjoy another 9 minutes of non-thinking. What a relief. In this rush-rush, over-scheduled world, it's nice to be able to find something so simple that creates such a sense of joy. Even if it's short-lived.
I feel that way about wine too. The ones you can always find and enjoy no matter where you are shopping, be it a specialty store or a grocery. Like my snooze button, these bottles are always good to go, providing a satisfying sip or two without a lot of thought. OR money. And since Punxsutawney Phil says we are in for 6 more weeks of snow, sleet, ice and gray days it's good to know that when we stock up on bread, milk and eggs we can add a bottle of vino to our basket as well.
2013 La Finca Malbec, Mendoza, Argentina-smooth and creamy finish on this dry red with tasty notes of blackberry, cocoa and brown sugar along the way. Fire up the grill and pair with burgers, brats or Italian sausage. Great value!!
2009 Conn Creek Herrick Red, Napa Valley, California-leathery tannins make for lip-smacking goodness with notes of black cherry, plum, caramel and subtle eucalyptus and cardamom. This one tastes as if it should cost much more. Food-friendly red and perfect bottle to pour for your Valentine. They will think you spent MUCH more than you did.
2011 Frei Brothers Reserve Zinfandel, Dry Creek Valley, California-rich, rugged red with notes of blackberry, blueberry, pomegranate, black pepper. Decant and enjoy great value. Pair it with a deep dish pizza or sloppy joe's or crock pot chili. YUM!

Jill A. Ditmire is an Omnimedia wine specialist, AWS certified wine judge, freelance broadcast journalist and 20+ year home owner in the Warfleigh neighborhood of Broad Ripple. Send your questions and comments to Jill at
Also on INSTAGRAM @jaditmire
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