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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v10n08)
From the BRMHS Announcements
posted: Apr. 26, 2013

• Broad Ripple High School is proud to announce that ALEX DUNLAP has been named a Gates Millennium Scholar (GMS). 54,000 students applied; 1,000 were selected. GMS scholars receive a good-through-graduation scholarship to use at any college or university of their choice. Alex has chosen DePauw in Greencastle. GMS provides their Scholars with personal and professional development through our leadership programs along with academic support throughout their college career.
• The Broad Ripple Dance Ensemble won both 1st Place and Double Platinum Awards in the Advanced and Performance Levels of the Regional Showstopper Dance Competition April 12-14, 2013. Congratulations!
• Mr. Akers has agreed to support the Broad Ripple Relay for Life team by shaving his 20 year old beard and wearing a pink dress to school if donations to cancer research reach $500. Let's find out how cute Mr. Akers will be dressed as a girl by donating to Relay for Life during your lunch mod or see Ms. Cannon in room G304. Students with purple buckets will be collecting your donations.

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