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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v10n08)
Broad Ripple Parks full of spring activities - by Bill Malcolm
posted: Apr. 26, 2013

by Bill Malcolm

It's spring and there are alot of things to do in Broad Ripple's three parks: Broad Ripple Park, Holliday Park, and Marrott Park.
My favorite thing is to enjoy the wildflower display which is in full display at all three (in the woods). The assortment of spring "ephemeral" includes Dutchman's breeches, squirrel corn, Virginia blue bells, trout lillies, skunk cabbage, anemones, wild geranium, water leaf, an assortment of trilliums, and the showy celandine poppy. The latter has beautiful yellow flowers. But don't procrastinate. Most of these flowers have to flower before the leaves come out on the trees.
Here is a round up of fun at our 3 parks and related activities:
  • April 26: Family campfire and hike (plus story telling with Cynthia Goodyear) Holliday Park (fee, registration required), 6:30 p.m.
  • April 28: Naturalist on the loose, 1:30 p.m. at Holliday Park
  • May 4-5: Orchard in Bloom garden show at Holliday Park: Always a great way to pick up garden ideas
  • May 10: Labor and learn workshop with horticulturist Chris Turner, Holliday Park, 9am
  • May 11: Canoe the White River with Holliday Park staff. (fee)
  • May 11: INPAWS native plant sale at Park Tudor School
  • May 21: Tennis lessons begin at Broad Ripple Park (sign up at (fee)
  • May 25: Broad Ripple Pool opens for the summer (and closes in early August)
  • May 30: Outdoor concert with the Tides and Island Rock at Holliday Park (7pm)
For more information, see www/

Bill Malcolm is a Broad Ripple resident and freelance writer who can be seen on the Monon Trail on his bicycle.

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