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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v09n21)
Right in my Own Backyard - A Character in My Garden - by Brandt Carter
posted: Oct. 12, 2012

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A Character in My Garden

There's a funny looking gent in my garden these days, adding personality to the remnants of my flowers, vegetables, and herbs. He's all decked out in clothes that once hung in indoor closets, a frightful mish-mash of plaids and colors. If I give you one more clue (he's stuffed with straw), you'll figure out he's my fall scarecrow. Here's riddle for you to ponder as well: why did a scarecrow win a Nobel Prize?

Right in my Own Backyard - A Character in My Garden - by Brandt Carter

Tradition has it that scarecrows were mounted in gardens in the spring to keep crows and other birds from making off with newly sown seeds. Functioning as decoys, they have stood watch for farmers and gardeners, protecting crops through the centuries. Interestingly enough, countries all over the world have their own names for the figure we Americans call "scarecrows."
Today I think we see scarecrows used more for autumn decoration than for their original purpose. Artists and home-crafters have elevated scarecrows to an art form. I have seen scarecrows formed around wood or metal-shaped cross posts and anchored in the ground. Although their heads are usually straw-stuffed pillows, I have seen many heads made with pumpkins. The crazier the hats the better, and the remaining attire is usually made from the gardener's cast-offs.
Scarecrows at the Indiana State Fair are always worth checking out. They can be fashioned into traditional figures such as a Wizard of Oz scarecrow, historic figures, animals, themes like Western, bridal, or holidays, or they can be made in the likeness of pop stars such as Charlie Brown, the Simpsons, and Shrek. The State Fair's Scarecrow Contest would welcome your creativity. Here's basic information in case you want to start scheming for next year.

Right in my Own Backyard - A Character in My Garden - by Brandt Carter

If you're not inclined toward State Fair competition, you may want to encourage your neighborhood to make scarecrows. There are even several scarecrow festivals in Indiana that can serve as inspiration.
When making a scarecrow, stuff a pair of old pants or bib overalls and a shirt with rags or straw. Fasten the shirt and pants together so the straw will not fall out. Add a stuffed pair of gloves for hands. Put one hand in a pocket or one arm on top of its head to create whimsy. Poke the bottom of the pant legs into the tops of an old pair of boots. For the head, fill a burlap sack or pillow case and paint a face. Insert a stick into the head, tying it off with twine or rope. Then insert the other end of the stick into the scarecrow's shirt collar. Wrap its neck with a bandana. For hair, use a wig, a mop or more straw and top with a hat that gives your gent spunk and style. You can either mount the scarecrow on a post or set it on bales of hay. Consider affixing some dried leaves to its shirt or even perching a fun object or toy on its shoulder. A scarecrow is a great seasonal addition to your garden, yard or porch.
Have you figured out the answer to the riddle yet? Because he was "out standing" in his field!

Brandt Carter, artist, herbalist, and naturalist, owns Backyard Birds at 2374 E. 54th Street. Visit her web site Email your bird questions to
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