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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v08n14)
Large turnout for monthly zoning meeting
by Alan Hague
posted: Jul. 08, 2011

The June meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association (BRVA) Land Use and Development Committee was held on June 28, 2011, in the Broad Ripple United Methodist Church (BRUMC) basement. About 50 were in attendance, three items were on the agenda.
First on the agenda was petition 2011-UV1-016 for the property at 6144 College Avenue. The request is for a variance of the zoning ordinance to add two rooms, two porches, a deck, and a detached garage to the existing structure currently being used for a financial office. The committee voted to recommend approval to the City of Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development (DMD).
The next item was for petition 2011-DV3-020 for property at 829 (831) Broad Ripple Avenue. The request is for a variance of the zoning ordinance for a reduction in the number of parking spots required from 119 to 37 for Kilroy's Bar and Grill that is planned for the current Cardinal Fitness site. This agenda item was clearly the reason for the large attendance at this meeting, as the bulk of the audience left after this portion. The petitioner stated that Kilroy's would spend about $1 million in capital improvements to the property, including a deck in the north section of the parking lot that would accommodate about 132 seats. He also said that the shortfall in required parking would assure good use of the proposed parking garage. The committee explained that the new garage is not an excuse for new development without adequate provided parking. There was a statement given by the president of the BRVA and many questions from the committee and the audience. The consensus from the BRVA was that the Village has a policy of not adding any three-way (beer, wine, liquor) licenses. They will only support a new license owner if an existing license is being removed from Broad Ripple. In this reporter's opinion, the unanimous negative vote by the committee came rather abruptly, without much explanation. If a negative vote was to be reached, I would have liked to have seen some calm explanation and discussion about it.
The final item on the agenda was not a zoning matter, it was a presentation and mini-feedback session by the team with the winning parking garage project. After a short background of the project the floor was opened to the audience to give input on the garage. There was concern that the 25,000 square feet of new retail space could use up most of the parking added by the garage. There were comments that it "doesn't look like Broad Ripple". The team explained that the design is still in a very preliminary phase and that public input (see page 1 of this issue) will be important in finalizing the design. They also added that public art is desired, although care must be taken as the building should have a timeless look. The construction is designed to make the building last for a long time.
The next land use meeting is planned for July 26, 2011, at the BRUMC at 6pm..
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