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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v07n19)
Letter to the Editor - Ed Potts
posted: Sept. 17, 2010

Note to our readers: Letters to the Editor are the opinions of our readers and not necessarily those of this paper.

My fellow residents of Marion County, the economic events of 2009 have placed a severe challenge upon our nation, state, county, city and most particularly our Neighborhood Communities.
The fabric of our Neighborhood Communities is composed of four instrumental and cohesively intertwining parts: our residents, churches and faith based institutions, businesses and our schools. The community fabric of Marion County is what makes us unique and instills within our community values which are worth protecting and sustaining, therein rests our challenge as citizens of Marion County.
Currently, our Neighborhood Communities are facing some very negative and extremely aggressive encroachments upon our "quality of life". The encroachments of which I speak are within every Neighborhood Community throughout Marion County and others pound viciously on the borders of our Neighborhood Communities.
Some of the negative factors that are affecting our Neighborhood Communities are:
- Increased population of foreclosed homes
- Abandoned and/or vacant homes
- Neglected rental properties
- Untimely city services
- Increase in crime, violent and non-violent
- Increased taxation
- Ineffective criminal justice and/or adjudication process
- The low performance of our public schools
- Increase in gang activity within our public schools and Neighborhood Communities

Are all or any of these things present within in your Neighborhood Community?
The answer to the question might be yes and no but regardless of your answer, they all have an effect upon your Neighborhood Community because no neighborhood is an island unto itself. In other words, what happens in one Neighborhood Community can and will happen in yours if the negatives in one Neighborhood go unresolved.
Therefore, it is imperative and indeed the charge of your Neighborhood Community to:
- Aggressively protect the "quality of life" standards that all residents of Marion County expect to enjoy in their Neighborhood Community.
- Ensure and promote a sustained walkable and peaceful Neighborhood Community
- Ensure the safety of all residents
- Aggressively defend the rights of it law-abiding residents
- Provide an environment that promotes and sustains our business community
- Protect and provide for our children and senior citizens
- Address all negative issues that confront our neighborhoods with a sustained fervor
- Hold our local elected and appointed officials accountable to the residents that they represent

This is the charge for every citizen in Marion County.
The overall success of every Neighborhood Community is determined by level of citizen support within each Neighborhood Community, all households within a Neighborhood Community must contribute to the sustainability of its community e.g. watching out for our neighbors, reporting suspicious persons in the neighborhood, reporting negative incidents, being neighborhood observant, volunteering your services, becoming jogging crime watchers, joining community watch, giving an hour of your time, helping a senior citizen, picking up litter and so on and so forth.
This is where Civic Revival within Marion County begins.

Ed Potts
MPSC (Midnorth Public Safety Committee)
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