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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v07n05)
Howling at the Moon by Susan Smith
posted: Mar. 05, 2010

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Snow! Have you had enough? Maybe I'm crazy but I really do enjoy it and winter in general. I always have. When I was a kid I used to sled over at the Butler hill and ice skate at night on the Butler pond. Times have changed. Now there is a fountain in the pond and dormitories on the hill. However, lately I have been harboring thoughts of shooting the groundhog. That pesty Punxsutawney Phil from Gobbler's Knob at Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania has probably made a few less friends in his home state. Since he saw his shadow on February 2nd and predicted six more weeks of weather his state has really been socked. As I write this they are experiencing the worst storm in thirty years. Just for fun I went to the Official Website of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. . . . . Searching through the site I thought that this community is . . . . nuts, happy, jolly, bored and in need? Perhaps all of the above. I learned that this has been a tradition for 124 years, started by the German settlers of the community. The Germans had used a hedgehog prior but Pennsylvania had an abundance of intelligent groundhogs that seemed a suitable substitute. Phil (named after King Phillip) was selected and according to legend he is the only groundhog to have had the honor of this weather forecast. He owes his longevity to a secret recipe of groundhog punch, an elixir that is served annually at the summer picnic. One sip is said to give him seven more years of life. During prohibition Phil threatened to impose 60 weeks of winter if he couldn't have a drink (just what is in that recipe?). The next picnic is scheduled for 9/11/10. I think you have to be a club member or a member of the "Inner Circle" to attend. This is the group of fellows who wear the top hats and tuxedos and host the Groundhog Day ceremonies (of which up to 30,000 people attend). They are Phil's caregivers. I believe they take the event very seriously although if you were to read their biographies posted on the website you would crack up at their humor. I think they are a group of mostly retired gentleman having a good time. Twenty-two members plus Phil are shown in a group photo. They discuss meeting at coffee shops and riding snow mobiles. Mike Johnson, the Inner Circle VP says "to really experience Groundhog Day you have to be at the Knob by 2:00 AM". His weather philosophy is "you can't change it so enjoy it". Good advice. I'm not sure how you become a member of the Inner Circle. I'm sure it is a special group. But to become a club member go on line and sign up. There are 52 clubs listed. The most recent is a new group of troops in Iraq. They are shown in a photo with a sign. The clubs that have formed are having fun. There is the Beach Bums of Hollywood, Florida who held a Groundhog Day Swim and included their video. A club called Granny's Groundhog Groupies had a party for 40 and served eye of the groundhog wine and groundhog sundaes. The 5 o'clock Shadows in South Carolina held its second meeting. The Shadow Watchers Club of Kansas held their event at Jerry's Bait Shop. The Pennsylvania Groundhog Club of Silicon Valley reportedly held a German luncheon that included Hershey Kisses for dessert. 22 folks showed up at Woodstock, IL. They had an imposter, Woodstock Willie, who did not see his shadow. They plan to add 6-10 new events for social and business networking, all in the name of having fun.
So in the name of having fun how can we make the most of this winter that we are destined to have a while longer? I say get out there and play in it. I am surprised by the lack of snowmen. But I was pleased to see the snow cat sculpted once again this year at 52nd and Central. I sent my husband with our camera to take a picture but sadly the head had fallen off. Nathan Kellner who built the cat was able to fix it the next day. He told me that he was surprised at how many people had requested that he resurrect it again this year. He told me that his kids love it and it was built in tribute to his cat, Talisker. He even tinted it orange with food coloring. Pets make you smile! That's questionable about groundhogs.

Howling at the Moon by Susan Smith
image courtesy of Susan Smith

Howling at the Moon by Susan Smith
image courtesy of Susan Smith

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Susan Smith is a life-long area resident and is the owner of City Dogs Grocery located at 52nd and College. Send your pet related questions/comments to
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