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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v07n04)
Feature Film by Broad Ripple graduate - filming to start this spring in Indianapolis
by Alan Hague
posted: Feb. 19, 2010

Hollywood, California production company Anti-Villain brings the glitz, glamour, and reality of Independent Filmmaking to Indianapolis with a story that is creating a buzz across the entertainment industry.
Indiana University Graduates and writers of Ora Brent Trotter (Broad Ripple High School Graduate) and Justin Kornmann, in conjunction with Anti-Villain LLC, have created a script based on a real life rags-to-riches story. Two years into the making, this extraordinary film tells the fascinating story of an Indianapolis woman whom was struck by a vehicle at the age of five, causing her to live as a blind and handicapped person. In the years to follow, she miraculously regained partial sight and relearned how to become physically mobile, while raising two boys, alone. Consistently told that she will never be a substantial contributing member of society due to her disabilities and economic status, she never lost her faith in God, herself, and the innate goodness of all people and pursued a rewarding life. In a miraculous turn of events this woman's life was forever changed when she learned that she was a millionaire as a result of her childhood accident.
"We chose to bring this film to Indianapolis because, while Indianapolis is known for many great things, its film community is one that deserves additional recognition. This is a story about the social fabric of the city and this is their film," says Brent Trotter, writer and producer of Ora.
Closely working with personal industry favorites, Anti-Villain is working to bring film artists from across the US to Indianapolis to collaborate on an independent film that could possibly shine a new light on the Indianapolis film scene. "People simply believe in the story. It makes people feel good, it gives them hope that no good deed will go undone and people are willing to do what they can to see this film come to fruition," says Justin Kornmann, writer and producer of Ora.
Entering into the final stages of pre-production, Ora is set to start filming in Indianapolis in May. The complete feature film will be seen on the big screen, in its entirety, at two premieres set for November 2010 in Indianapolis, IN and Hollywood, CA with date, time, and location to be formally announced. Preliminary plans have been set to enter the film into several film festivals around the world, including Indiana's own Heartland Film Festival, followed by theatrical release domestically and internationally.
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