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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v05n20)
Letters From Readers - Reader recalls old Broad Ripple - Ronald Popp
posted: Sept. 26, 2008

I read the "Gazette" as often as I can and find it wonderful.
My name is Ronald Popp and my family moved to 61st and Broadway in 1940. That's when the Vogue showed serials and the Russet cafeteria was open. When we got old enough to earn money (paper routes, cutting grass, etc.) The bank we started with was Mrs. Hague [my grandmother] & Mr. Dodd's, it is still the bank I'm with, the older people called it by its proper name [AFNB]. Fisch Jewelry and Danner Bros. where on our way to passing the Ford dealer, your Uncle Glen was a "rookie", we got to School #80.
We spend as much time as we can in Broad Ripple, lots of changes and lots of nice things going on and lots of wonderful memories. The drive past the park at 61st & Broadway down the well groomed street I lived on is a treat.
Thanks for a fine paper.
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