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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v05n08)
Letters From Readers - Rosemary Harrold
posted: Apr. 11, 2008

You don't know me, but my husband's aunt, Rosemary Harrold lived next to the Lobraicos when she was a little girl, and now, she is 90 years old. Her memories are still fresh in her mind and I enjoy hearing about the Lobraicos and her from a long time ago. She remembers ever so well that Mrs. Lobraico would fix her Italian food and she says she still remembers the taste of her spaghetti. Back then, that's the only time she had pasta or anything Italian to eat, her mother cooking homestyle food and never spaghetti. Rosemary's father was a banker I believe and they all lived in what she called a wealthier part of town, always playing outside and never afraid to walk down to "town" to get a hot fudge Sundae at the dime store (for a quarter). I love to hear her talk about her memories, I never get tired of them, and if you asked her, she would share them with you or anyone else who would like to listen.
I was so glad to see your article on the net ( when I was looking up some of the things she talks about. I'm going to print the article and put it in a special scrapbook for her, she is so special to me. I lost my mother twenty or so years ago, and although nobody can take her place, Rosemary is a pretty close runner up to my mom.
Thank you again for making her memories come alive for me too, and for taking the time to write and post this article. If you know of any more sites concerning the drug store, please let me know. I don't want this part of local history to get away from us.

Judy Callender
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