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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v05n06)
From Broad Ripple High School...
posted: Mar. 14, 2008

by From Broad Ripple High School...

Life At Home Isn't a Fantasy

Life at home is not a fantasy,
Especially not for me you see.
Everywhere I go,
No matter where I turn
There is always something there,
Like my brother,
He is such a little worm.

Like the nursery rhyme
No matter where I may be,
Someone is sure to follow me.
If I turn left
There my cousins are
And then I hear a voice that says my brother isn't very far.
But if I turn back,
And try to go right,
There is where I find more people are.

Sometimes it's like there is barely room to breathe.
Yeah I love ya'll
But I just gotta leave.
And there, I hope you see,
Is where life isn't a fantasy,
Especially not for me.

Lachaina Bates-Gooch

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Brought to you by: Broad Ripple collector pins